Page 37 of Fall into Savagery

“That’s unfortunate,” Bianchi said, his eyes moving briefly above the fucker’s head and meeting mine before he looked back at Luca.

“Yeah? Why is that?”

“It’s going to be so hard to find another man like you.”

“W-What are you talking about?” Luca asked, shifting around his seat.

I placed one hand on his shoulder, and Mikhail placed his hand on the other.

Luca jumped.

“Did you miss me?” I asked quietly.

He tensed.

“Bianchi. What is the meaning of this? You’re working with the fucking Bratva now?”

Bianchi calmly wiped his mouth with the napkin and took a last sip of his drink. He looked over at us. “Gentlemen. I’ll leave this one in your capable hands.”

Luca tried to move out from under our hold. I tightened my grip and made him stay where he was.

“Bianchi! You bastard! I trusted you, and you’re working with the Bratva! You’re a fucking traitor! Bianchi!” Luca screamed as Bianchi walked out. I looked at him as he turned around and took us in. He tilted his head to the side before turning away.

Bianchi said he would lend men once we got a location.

It wasn’t necessary, but I understood the gesture. He was on our side.

I looked down at the little weasel. His skin had taken on a gray pallor. He knew he wasn’t getting out of this. Not again.

I grinned, and he flinched. My smile widened. “It’s nice to see you again. You don’t know how hard we worked to find you.”

“W-What do you want?”

I laughed and turned to Mikhail. “Is this fucker really stupid, or is he acting?”

I moved my hand over and cupped the back of his neck. He squirmed in my hold.

Mikhail crossed his arms over his chest, looking down at Luca in disgust. “It doesn't matter. It’ll all lead to the same result.”

I grinned viciously. “True.”

Leaning down, I made sure my lips touched his ear. “It’s been years since we’ve seen each other. I’ve changed. Mostly thanks to you, of course, but you weren’t around to see the monster you created. Let me reintroduce myself. I’m going to show you exactly how easy it was for me to gain the position as the Vasiliev Bratva’s enforcer.”

“No, please. I-I’ll tell you whatever it is you need to know.”

“Oh, but where is the fun in that?” Mikhail asked. He turned to me. “Do you mind taking him to the back? I want to show him the surprise we prepared specifically with him in mind.”

I kissed Luca’s cheek. He sobbed. “Gladly.”

I pulled a struggling Luca up and forced him to the back. He tried to get away.

What a stupid fucker. My anger had lent me the strength of a thousand men. And this fucker belonged to me. His death would be enacted through my hands.

“I won’t kill you. Not today. Not yet. You’re going to tell us exactly what we want to know. And if I find out you lied, that you wasted our time, what happens today will seem like nothing more than a picnic in the park.”

Mikhail shoved his way through the swinging doors, and we followed suit. He came up to the meat freezer door and unlocked it.

Luca cried harder. “Please. Just kill me. Kill me.”