And then they all left, leaving me alone in the room and confused as hell.
My eyes moved about the space.
We were still living in the penthouse.
It had been a year since Agnello and Alina took me. And I was still trying to cope with the nightmares, though things were getting better.
I quickly stood up and got dressed.
* * *
I didn’t knowwhere we were going, and no one would tell me anything.
After breakfast and leaving the boys with Linda, my men took me out for a drive. About thirty minutes in, Mikhail placed a blindfold on me, and they took me somewhere outside of the city. I knew because that was all Mikhail told me when I asked.
I felt it when the car finally came to a stop, and someone opened the door.
A hand reached in and helped me out. I recognized the shape of Nikolay’s hand around mine instantly.
He confirmed it when he said close to my ear, “Watch your step, princess.”
I could only nod.
We came to a stop, and Damien stood behind me. I leaned back against his hard body, and he wrapped one muscular arm around my middle.
Then my blindfold was removed, and slowly, I opened my eyes.
I blinked.
I was looking at a house.
A big house at that, surrounded by men and gates.
It took me a while to understand what was going on.
I turned to my men in surprise, a small smile tugging on my lips.
“You bought us a house?”
Mikhail smiled. “We wanted it to be a surprise. But if you, for any reason, don’t like this house, we can sell it and find a new one.”
I was already shaking my head before he could finish the sentence.
“No. It’s perfect. I love it,” I said wetly.
Nikolay laughed. “Princess, you haven’t even seen the inside. Or the huge ass backyard.”
“I don’t care,” I replied. Damien tightened his arms around me. “It’s perfect.”
And it was.
Two weeks later, we got married in the backyard with our boys standing up at the makeshift altar with us.
Gabriel came to the wedding, and though I didn’t speak much, I found it easier to speak to him and Gleb.
Dad walked me down the aisle, not to symbolize giving me away—I already belonged to my men—but to symbolize the growing relationship the two of us finally had.
It was perfect.