Page 178 of Fall into Savagery

Angelo Agnello took his breath for the last time.



I struggledto push Agnello’s dead weight off of me.

Fatigue hit, and I didn’t know how much longer I could hold on.

All I wanted to do was close my eyes and sleep.

But it wasn’t over yet.

I used up all of my strength and pushed him off, crying when I found my shirt stained with his blood.

I turned to my side in time and vomited all the breakfast and lunch I had earlier that day.

Tears stung my eyes, and I could not stop.

It felt endless.

I clutched my stomach when it hollowed out, letting out a small sob.

I wanted my men.

I needed them.

I looked around at my surroundings.

I didn’t know where I was.

Looking at Agnello’s body, I ignored the way his eyes were still open and shifted my hand into his jeans pocket, trying not to give into the urge and puke again.

I finally found his phone.

I turned it on and paused.

I didn’t remember any of my men’s numbers.


What was it?

I grabbed my head when a pounding headache took hold until I remembered.

My phone!

I was sure they found it.

I put in my number and held the phone to my ear.

It rang once, and Damien picked up. “Hello.”

I covered my mouth when I felt another sob threatening to come out.

I tried to speak but couldn’t.

I was choked up with emotion.