Had always felt like I had the strength of a thousand men, yet at the same time, as weak as a newborn kitten, all because she was nearby.
Nikolay drew my attention when he uttered a small grunt and came into her mouth.
She tensed beneath me as she tried to swallow as much as possible from him.
I petted her head.
Such a good girl.
Our good girl.
And from this day on, she belonged to us in every conceivable way possible.
We were never letting her go.
I looked downat the sparkling diamond on my finger.
It was everything my men were.
Luxurious. Expensive. Beautiful. Powerful.
It grabbed attention simply by existing, and it was as simple as that.
A sparkling princess cut with a silver band design crisscrossed each other and made it look like a princess tiara.
Without looking, I knew this ring probably ranged in the six figures or more, and I was afraid to ask.
Afraid that once I knew the price, I wouldn’t dare wear it.
But I received a threat—or promise, depending on how you look at it—from Nikolay that I was never to take it off.
I shook my head in remembrance over the sadistic glint in his eyes as he said it. I didn’t know which he wanted more, for me to listen to him and never take it off as it represented another way I was his—theirs—or for me to disobey and for him to catch me in the act.
I laughed and looked up when the door opened, and Mikhail walked in with a soft smile and an envelope in his hand.
He sat next to me and handed the envelope to me, face down.
“What’s this?” I asked.
“Why don’t you open it? It’s addressed to you.”
“To me?”
Who would send me mail?
I flipped the envelope over and felt my heart skate around in my chest at the name on the left corner.
I looked over at Mikhail with wide eyes, my mouth opening, but nothing came out.
“Open it,kotyonok.”
I looked back at the large envelope in my hand so he wouldn’t see the emotion in my eyes as I shakily opened the label.