Mikhail and Nikolay climbed in soon after.
“Are we going there?” I asked.
Mikhail watched me. “Are you sure you’re up for that? We can go to a hotel and rest.”
I shook my head. “I want to get this done, and then we can all go home to New York.”
“Are you sure, princess?” Nikolay asked.
I nodded. “I’m sure.”
Damien cupped my chin and brought my face up to his. His eyes looked over at me carefully, and I didn’t know what he was looking for, but after a while, he nodded and pressed the intercom button.
“Take us to the house.”
“Yes, sir.” Gleb’s voice rang out through the speaker.
Damien pulled out his phone, his brows lowering as he read something. “Someone was spotted by the house a few hours ago. He is no longer in the house now,” he said.
I sat up a little at that. “Agnello?”
He shook his head. “No, it’s another man. We don’t know his identity yet, but what’s strange is that no one saw him come in and out of the house. It’s as if he appeared and disappeared just as quickly. And I had men surrounding that place since we realized Agnello was going into hiding.”
I looked down at his chest. “The tunnel.”
Nikolay met my eyes. He was the only one I told about the tunnel, but I was sure he shared the information with Mikhail and Damien.
I knew I guessed right when Damien smiled.
“Guess I’ll just have men greet our guests at the entrance.”
“Do you know where it is?”
He nodded. “That was where we found you when Roberto snuck you out of the house. We noticed an unmarked truck near Agnello’s property when we set out to take you. So we decided to watch it. Imagine our surprise when you emerged from a secret entry. We didn’t know it was a tunnel at first. We guessed it might be a hiding place. And then Nikolay told us what you told him.”
I looked away.
I always wondered how they had found me so quickly. I felt someone following me the day I left that house. And when they took me from the diner, I knew that had been the case. But I never knew how they knew where to start or that I was even leaving the house in the first place.
Damien cupped my cheek. “Don’t worry. Nothing is going to happen to you.”
I smiled a little. “I’m not worried.”
I laid back down on his chest while my men discussed who they thought would be back at the house and knew about the tunnel.
There was nothing in that house.
When they decided to take on Agnello’s operation, they started at his home base. They had cleared out everything, including any of the cash he had kept in his safe and paperwork around his business. Paperwork that had become useless, considering he no longer had a business to run.
Though it didn't take long, the car ride to the property had felt seamlessly endless.
I was surprised when we finally pulled up in front of the house, with men surrounding the place.
They nodded at us when we got out, their eyes cast away respectfully.
I thought that was going to take some getting used to.