Page 147 of Fall into Savagery

“Okay, pet. I won’t hide.” He swallowed. I watched the way his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down his throat. Unable to stop myself, I pressed a small kiss against his throat.

His grip around my head tightened just before he wrapped my hair around his fist. “Let’s go to Arizona.”

* * *

The flightto Arizona was uneventful. My mind descended into a foggy haze for most of it.

I didn’t remember much of the flight, only that I was sitting near the window, with Damien beside me, and Nikolay and Mikhail across from me.

I stared out the window for most of it, surrounded by my men.

They talked in hushed tones around me, though I didn’t bother to listen.

They could have talked about me, for all I knew.

I didn’t care.

The closer we got to Arizona, the more I could feel myself regressing further into my mind.

The closer we got, the clearer and more intrusive the memories of my abuse came to mind, and no matter what I did and tried to clear my head, they kept coming.

My fists clenched on my lap as I caught a glimpse of the desert landscapes for the first time. It was early evening. The sun barely dipped into the horizon.

It was still light enough out that I could take in everything.

I couldn’t see my house from here, nor did I expect to, but there was something about knowing that we were no more than several miles away that made my heart thud heavily in my chest. I closed my eyes.

The house I had lived in was well-hidden.

It had to be.

Agnello had many enemies.

Many people wanted him dead.

I just never thought I would be joining the list so soon.

Damien covered my hands that were balled into a fist with his big one.

I didn’t look at him but instead focused on the warmth of his touch, trying to keep myself grounded.

When the pilot announced we were landing, Mikhail reached over and helped me with my seatbelt.

We didn’t talk.

I watched as we got closer to the ground, tears burning my eyes and my lungs feeling like they were filled with sand.

I took in a deep breath, but-but—

I couldn’t breathe.

I looked over at Damien with wide eyes.

“Fuck. Catalina, look at me. I want you to focus on my voice and breathe for me, baby. Just breathe.”

I clutched the front of his shirt and shook my head, only I didn’t know what I was saying no to.

I pulled him closer to me.