Page 102 of Fall into Savagery

Nikolay and I were to oversee everything going down in the warehouse as Damien went to pick up Gabriel. And soon, Nikolay would be going to Mexico with Gabriel to take out the cartels, a mission we decided not to tell Catalina about. All she knew was that he had to travel somewhere for work.

“I’m going to talk to Anton about getting these shipped out. We’ll probably need to figure out how much we’re going to distribute over the border,” Nikolay said, looking way too excited.

He walked off before I could say anything, and I looked around, trying to find a starting point with the organization.

Dealing with drugs and guns in this amount took time, planning, and a whole lot of luck.

One of the many reasons the Bratva had gotten as big as we had was that we had never even made it on the radar of law enforcement.

Sure, they knew to watch out for Vasiliev Bratva, but none of them had ever seen our faces, much less had us put down on any list.

My phone pinged with an incoming message, disrupting me from my thoughts.

Catalina set up a group text. The text was from her.

I looked across the room to see Nikolay was also looking at his phone.

I opened my text and nearly dropped the phone.

“What the fuck?” Nikolay exclaimed loudly. Loud enough for me to hear.

I looked back up at him in amusement.

He shifted his feet and turned away from me and everyone else.

I laughed, though I wasn’t faring that much better than him, and I wondered how Damien was taking this, considering he was probably with Gabriel right now.

I grinned and made sure no one else was around when I looked back at the phone.

A picture of a shirtless Catalina lying in Damien’s bed.

One small portion of her face was showing, but I could tell she was smiling for the camera, and in full view were her tits.

Perky, small tits that had my mouth watering at the sight.

And they were hard.

My littlekotyonokwas horny.

Or fuck, maybe she was looking for trouble.

And she might have found it, considering the messages coming in.

Damien: Pet, what is this? Do you know how hard you just made my day?

Nikolay: No pun intended?

Damien: Pun intended. Fuck me. And I’m with Gabriel.

Nikolay: That fucker better not be looking at your phone, or I’ll gouge his eyeballs out with a spoon when I see him later.

Damien: So, you’re not rushing off home?

Nikolay: Fuck me. Princess. You’re going to pay for these blue balls.

I laughed and texted back.

Me: I think you look exquisite, kotyonok. And I can’t fucking wait to get home to you.