Page 101 of Fall into Savagery

It wasn’t until long after Linda got home from her shopping trip and I could check on my phone again that I found another message, not from my men.

It was from an unknown number.

I frowned and opened the text to a picture. It took me a second to figure out exactly what I was looking at, but when I did, I zoomed in, studying it.

What the hell?



I glancedsideways at Nikolay in the passenger seat of his black Drako GTE, eyeing the huge ass crack that ran down vertically in the middle of the passenger side window.

I looked back at Nikolay on the driver’s side. I was almost positive he was the one who put the crack on his car.

He seemed to be doing all right, though like me, like Damien, he was good at holding things in. Unlike Damien or me, though, Nikolay was more likely to explode after a time.

I was surprised when I came home yesterday and found him holding Catalina in his arms on the couch—just holding her.

Now that we had two little kids living with us, it wasn’t always plausible to take Catalina whenever and wherever we wanted, yet, I was still surprised that Nikolay was just holding her and doing nothing else.

Sometimes, I wished I could read their minds. It would make things a hell of a lot easier that way.

I looked back out to the street when a car honked at us.

At least there was one thing that was still the same about Nikolay.

He fucking loved fast cars.

He took a sharp turn in the corner, and sure enough, more honks came our way from the angry drivers he’d just cut off. I shot him a look.

He grinned at me.

I rolled my eyes and took hold of the grab handle, knowing it wouldn’t make much difference if I asked him to slow down.

We made what should have been a forty-five-minute trip to the warehouse in less than thirty, despite driving in the congested streets of New York City.

“I don’t know whether to admire you or be scared of you,” I muttered as I hopped out of the car. Nikolay’s laugh cut off when I closed the door behind me.

He leaned on the roof and looked at me. “The answer is both. Always both. Just ask Catalina.”

Now it was my turn to laugh. “You really think our little princess is scared of you anymore? She has you wrapped around her little finger.”

He offered me a sardonic grin. “Oh, Mikki. Don’t you know? Fear is what keeps the passion alive in our relationship.”

I shook my head. Catalina didn’t fear Nikolay, and we both knew that. At this point, I thought Nikolay was more scared of her than she was of him. I could laugh over the thought.

“Wariness, more like. It’s ‘cause you’re so fucking unpredictable,” I said.

He came up to me and tapped my shoulder. “It turns her on.”

I laughed as he walked off before following him to the door.

Two of our men stood guard and nodded at us, moving aside for us to enter.

I looked around at all the men running around, getting the shipment order ready, already feeling better about this day.

Ever since we started picking off Agnello’s operations one-by-one, the shipments coming in overseas had been without problems. If there was a God, he must have been on our side because I was staring at millions in drugs and guns right now.