Page 69 of Fall into Savagery

Konstantin and Dmitriy shared a look before Konstantin said, “Just like Uncle Mikki!”

I smiled at that, and they slowly walked over to him.

I knew Catalina was holding her breath as she watched them.

There was nothing to be worried about, but I didn’t assure her. She was going to find that out for herself soon enough.

And it was as I predicted.

My boys hugged Damien’s legs.

Damien looked up and met my eyes before he bent down and wrapped his arms around them, smiling a bit.

Catalina gasped.

I leaned down and kissed the side of her forehead as we took in the sight, just as Damien whispered something to them I couldn’t hear.

The way they easily opened up to me and my brothers told me how badly they needed affection and security from the adults in their life.

Fucking Alina didn’t provide that for them.

I didn’t make it a point to kill women unless absolutely necessary. I had a feeling it would be very necessary with Alina.

I already had men stationed at the strip club. They would tell me the second she showed up.

Laughter brought me out of my thoughts, and I could see Mikhail had joined Damien, and they were currently playing some sort of games in the middle of the living room with the boys.

If our enemies saw us like this, I doubted they would fear us.

I could laugh over the thought.

Catalina turned and looked at me. “They're precious.”

I nodded in agreement. “They’re going to need you.”

“I will take care of them like they are my own.”

“I know you will, princess.”

And it was time we talked.

I met Damien’s eyes, and he nodded.

I stood and pulled Catalina up with me. “Let’s talk, baby.”

She looked down on the floor at our feet. I looked too. She was barefoot in the house, her toenails painted red.

And I was fucking fascinated with the color.

I tipped my fingers under her chin and lifted it until she looked at me.

“Okay,” she said softly.

“Okay,” I repeated, grabbing her hands and pulling her out of the penthouse. We took the elevator down to where the boys had been staying.

“We’re going to move them up to live with all of us, right?” she asked.

I nodded. “Of course.”