He stood up and started kicking my middle.
I got into a fetal position, but the kicks kept coming until it was getting hard to breathe, and I was on the verge of passing out.
He finally stopped when he got tired, and spat on me.
“Stupid bitch. Even now, you can’t fucking talk. And because of what? You saw me kill the whore?”
He laughed menacingly, and a small sob escaped my lips that had nothing to do with the physical pain I was in.
“Do you know how good it felt when my bullet went through that bitch? Or even knowing that you had watched the whole thing?” He laughed once more. “Or even cutting up that stupid stuffed bear the Bianchi bastard had gotten you? You didn’t think I fucking knew what they were doing behind my back? And I showed that bitch. I made her suck me off before I killed her. Did you see that part? Huh?”
I covered my face with my arms as more tears dripped out of my eyes.
I fucking wished he would stop talking.
Just stop talking.
He leaned down, and I couldn’t help but let out a small whimper. “I’ll trade you for one of the Bratva bastards. But before I do, I’m going to sample this fucking golden pussy of yours that everyone keeps talking about.”
I curled more into myself, trying to make myself smaller.
I wished there would just be a tunnel to open from the ground and swallow me up.
Just let me be anywhere but here. Anywhere but here.
He stood up and kicked me one last time before he walked away, chuckling.
* * *
Breathing hurt.
But that wasn’t my concern right now.
My concern was a passed-out, drunk Agnello.
He had returned to the warehouse an hour ago and got blasted drunk in his little corner, rambling on about the ‘Bratva Bastards’ beforehand, and now it was just Alina and me.
A very high Alina, and judging by her shifty body, someone looking for her next hit.
She had already checked Agnello’s pocket when he passed out, but he must have either run out of drugs or hidden it.
I took a deep breath.
I had to survive.
All I had to do was survive.
Surely, using my voice wouldn’t be all that bad.
I felt light-headed, and I didn’t know if it was the beating or the fact that I was trying to talk.
I swallowed around the lump forming in the middle of my throat and opened my mouth.
“Y-You know he doesn’t even talk about you. Not ever,” I said, the last part coming out in a whisper, so I wasn’t sure if she heard me.
She turned to me with a frenzied look in her eyes.