Page 30 of Fist

The snow is falling in soft, fat flakes. It looks magnificent, piling up in huge drifts outside of the cabin my family is snug in. Twilight is approaching, and everything outdoors looks magical. Inside is warm and cozy, with a fire burning merrily in the hearth and the Christmas tree weighed down with ornaments.

Mindi sets a tray holding three mugs filled with hot chocolate, whipped cream, and caramel drizzle on the coffee table and smiles over at Ashley as she watches cartoon reruns.

Ashley Monroe, our little miracle. She’s got her mother’s light blonde hair, my smoky blue eyes, and a smile that can break angels’ hearts. When Mindi discovered she was pregnant, there were a lot of tears. Most of them were happy, some of them were scared, but we were in total agreement. It was time we had a baby.

Now, Ashley is three years old and the center of our world. She’s the darling of the Reapers Rejects, the apple of her grandfather’s eyes, and has me wrapped around her dainty little finger.

Things at the club have never been better. We’re prosperous, growing, and have a steady crew. I feel expansive, happy, and more at peace than I’ve ever felt. And tonight, Christmas Eve, I have a special present for Mindi—and a request.

By tacit agreement, we always open one gift on Christmas Eve night, then put Ashley to bed so Santa Clause can come. This year, we’re celebrating the holiday in a cabin in Colorado. I heard that some people have destination Christmases and thought we’d try it at least once. Mindi settles on the sofa, a present beside her. I scoop up the one I want her to open, then go over to crouch beside Ashley. I whisper in her ear, and she jumps up with an excited yell.

She rushes over to the tree and studies the heaps of gaily wrapped presents carefully before selecting one and bringing it to where we’re sitting. She takes the little mug of hot chocolate her mother hands her and drinks, leaving a whipped cream mustache above her top lip. She licks it away and says, “Daddy, you go first.”

Mindi hands me a silver bag with dark blue tissue paper sticking out of the top. I reach inside and pull out a matted and framed picture of Ashley and me. We’re on my bike, and she’s facing me, her little hand on my cheek. I’m smiling down at her, and a beam of sunlight has us enveloped in a halo. The picture is full of tenderness and emotion, and I look quickly up at Mindi.

“It’s wonderful,” I manage past the lump in my throat. “I love this.”

“It’s us, Daddy!” Ashley exclaims, bouncing a little. “Mommy picked the picture, but I helped pick the frame.”

“I love it, princess,” I tell her, giving her a kiss on her satiny cheek.

She beams at me. “Now it’s Mommy’s turn.”

I hand over the small box, and Mindi opens it. Her mouth drops when she pulls an even smaller, distinctly blue box out of that box. Her hands tremble a bit as she opens it to find a delicate gold chain with two interlocking gold circles. “Fist,” she whispers.

“It’s you and me,” I tell her as I fasten it around her neck. “We’re together, connected, in every way, sweetness.”

“I love you,” she breathes. “It’s beautiful! Thank you!”

“Let me see,” Ashley demands. She plays with the circles for a moment before nodding. “It’s very pretty. Maybe I’ll get one too,” she says with a flutter of her lashes.

I laugh. “Maybe one day,” I agree. “Now it’s your turn to open your present.”

She drops back to the floor, ripping into her package. She squeals with excitement as she pulls out a pair of little biker boots and a black vest just her size—with the Reapers Rejects patch sewed on. She immediately puts it on over her pajama top and dances in place.

“Look, look! I’m an official member!” she crows. Mindi and I laugh.

“You sure are, baby,” Mindi says. “And tomorrow, you can try on the boots and the vest with a whole biker outfit.”

“And open more presents.”

“And open more presents,” Mindi confirms. “But for now, let’s go brush your teeth and get into bed.”

Ashley dutifully kisses my cheek and trots off with her mother while I clean up and wait for Mindi to come back down. It’s time to make my request.

When she gets back, she snuggles against me on the couch, and we watch the flames for a few moments before she runs her fingers through my hair.

“Tell me,” she says quietly. “What’s wrong?”

I take her hand. “Nothing is wrong, sweetness. Not in the way you’re thinking. But I do have something I want to ask you. You’re free to say no, of course, but I do want you to at least think about it.”

Her fingers tighten over mine. “Okay.”

I blow out a breath. “Cracker has asked if we’ll adopt Zane and Kade.”

Mindi frowns. “Why does he want us to adopt his children? Why can’t he claim them as his own?”

I run my fingers through my hair. “Things are . . . complicated. If Cracker says the kids are his, they’ll be killed.”