I fly through the inn and outside to the SUV.


“For him, it’s just a holiday

But for me, it’ll never fade away…”

Seven times, I’ve listened to her new song. Seven times, I’ve felt my heart soar and break simultaneously. There’s no mistaking that she wrote this for me. She cared about me, not the money. The lyrics say it all. She wrote this and recorded it for me, a sweet gift from the heart, not something you can buy in a store. I don’t know what I did to deserve having Carol back in my life but I never want to lose her again.

I’m currently sitting outside the jewelry store in downtown Whistler on Christmas Eve on the verge of breaking down in tears… or committing breaking and entering. They’re closed. They closed early. Of course, they did. It’s Christmas Eve and people want to be with their families.

I pick up my phone and call my sister, the newlywed back from her short honeymoon. “Hey, where are you? The party’s starting.”

I clear the lump from my throat and ask, “Is Carol there?”

Marley’s voice drips with sympathy when she says, “No. Her folks just got here but she didn’t come.”

“Right.” Wonder if I pounded long and loud enough on their front door if she’d answer. “I’ll…”

I trail off when I see Tysha and Jazz hurrying towards the town square, dressed in their festive best. The kids. The Christmas caroling. I said I’d go. Would Carol still come?

“I’ll call you back, Marley.”

Tugging off my jacket, I decide I may as well go all in. She left the sweater and I’d put it on this morning. Looking in the rearview mirror, I shake my head. I still hate the thing. But, I love the person who gave it to me.

I wave to the kids, greet their folks and then make my way to the gazebo. The most I can do is make a fool of myself publicly tonight. After wounding Carol last night, that seems like such a small thing. If she doesn’t come, I’ll go find her.

But for now, I’ll ring the bell.


Turns out, what people initially think is charming, can soon be viewed as an annoyance.

“Stop ringing the blasted bell if you’ve got no one to kiss, you loony!” an old man walking his dog hollers from my crowd of would-be carolers and assorted onlookers.

I don’t listen. I’m taking a chance on her being here and, if she is, I want her to know it’s me ringing this thing for her.

“Mr. Frost, we’re going to start caroling soon,” one of the kids tells me with an expression which clearly says they all think I’ve lost my marbles.

Maybe I have. I keep ringing.


With a final clang, my arm comes to a halt at the sound of that well-loved voice. She steps towards me, out of the crowd, wearing her matching Christmas sweater and that adorable little stocking cap of hers. She’s also wearing a smile.

“Hey, Carol. You’re here.” Captain Obvious in the house tonight, folks.

She slowly ascends the steps to join me in the gazebo, the sparkling fairy lights reflected in her dazzling eyes. “Yeah, I’m here. What are you doing?”

“Uh…” I scratch my head, my cheeks suddenly feeling hot. Wow, there really are a lot of people on the town square tonight, huh? When did they all get here? “I hoped you’d be here because I needed to tell you something. Tonight. Right now. I’ve already screwed so many things up...”

She takes my hand, her smile never wavering. “It’s okay. So have I. Tell me what you wanted to say.”

I close my hands over her smaller ones and draw a breath. “I heard your song, the new one. It’s amazing, the best Christmas gift I ever got. I want to get you something equally special but I can’t sing and I don’t have your gift with words. I didn’t think ahead and then the stores were all closed and I don’t have anything meaningful enough to give you.”

“This is pretty meaningful,” she says, half chuckling as she glances around to indicate our surroundings. She takes another step closer. “You brought me home for Christmas, Nicky. I’m not sure where I’d be tonight if not for you, probably alone on a sofa in Vegas with my cat.” I cup her cheek and she lets my finger stroke her soft, satiny skin. “And you believe in me, more than I sometimes believe in myself. That’s more than enough of a gift for me.”

Her words prompt the rest of mine to fly from my mouth. “Carol, I love you. I love that you fly by the seat of your pants sometimes even if you won't fly in a plane. I love your giving nature, your sense of adventure and the pleasure you take in simple things,honestthings. I loveyou,my dear friend. I’minlove with you. When I said I was tired of the ruse, I meant-”