“No!” I gasp for the second time tonight. And then, I run.


Inever liked Carol’s cousin. But I didn’t despise her until tonight. What the hell is this woman’s problem?

Short and simple, I think she’s jealous of Carol’s talent and the choice Carol made to chase her dreams while Janey stayed in Whistler and settled down with a man she used to make fun of in high school.

I’m proud of Carol for not letting that video of her painful performance run her off, for keeping her chin up and I’m glad to have her in my arms swaying to the rockabilly Christmas classic now. I hope she’s not regretting coming with me on this trip. Based on her smile, I don’t think she is.

And today, I finally gave the go-ahead to the attorneys regarding Carol’s song and lawsuit. I hope Travis Della-Fontaine has a very Unmerry Christmas.

“You know, we’ve not talked about plans for the big day yet.” Even puzzled, her eyes shine so brightly as she peers up at me. “We’ve got plans for Christmas Eve but what about after?”

“Oh!” A lovely blush spreads across her cheeks. “We’ve got the suite until the 26th, don’t we?”

“Mmm-hmm. Just you and me and kitty makes three.”

She laughs softly and nestles closer. “My mom will fix Christmas dinner.”

“So will Grams. We could visit them both.”

“I should’ve brought my stretchy pants.”

I chuckle. “Maybe we’ll stay in pajamas all day. Too bad I don’t have any holiday-themed ones like you.”

She laughs and I tug her even closer, smelling her sweet apple scent. I want that scent on my own sheets and pillows at home. I want Carol to be with me throughout the coming new year. I want something I hadn’t expected.

But, as I’m spinning her ‘round, Carol suddenly stiffens in my embrace, all the color draining from her face. “No!” she gasps and I fear she’s on the verge of fainting. Instead, she tears away from me and starts running.

It only takes me a couple of seconds to see what she sees. Janey’s youngest daughter has handed a very familiar glitter-covered book to her mother. Carol’s journal! “Ohshit.”

I race after her but neither one of us is fast enough. The slow, evil grin that begins to spread across Janey’s face makes my stomach bottom out. And my rage from earlier is soon burning as brightly as ever.

Mostly at Janey.

But also towards Carol. Itoldher not to leave that journal lying around unattended! She hadn’t listened.

Or maybe she doesn’t really care.

Old friends turned lovers, sure. But the written agreement of our bargain just reminds me that this isn’t a romance. Or wasn’t supposed to be.

We struck a deal and she’s getting compensated handsomely for it. She’ll be humiliated by Janey seeing this but she didn’t pay for the privilege ofmycompany. That was me, the guy whose deep pockets are his best feature according to some women.

And, if I don’t want Carol’s (or my) humiliation to go any further, I guess those deep pockets will come in handy again. Much as I hate it.


“What a neat arrangement you two made and a nice little Christmas bonus for you, Carol.”

Seeing Janey so smug had me ready to rip something to shreds but years of business dealings helped me keep that frosty Frost exterior in place.

Carol, on the other hand, is ready to explode the second we step outside into the cold, snowy evening. I get it – oh, I get it - but I’m trying to figure out why she’s suddenly acting so pissed at me. “You shouldn’t have paid her! Not a single dime!”

“We’ll call it a donation to Adeline’s art school fund.”

“Dammit, Nick! That’s-”

“You don’t curse this close to Christmas, remember?”