The look in his eyes when he comes rocks my socks and pierces my soul. This man. My old friend and secret flame. I hold onto him as our breathing slowly returns to normal, wishing I would never have to let him go.
“Oh my Christmas cookies, Carol,” he chuckles quietly at last, nipping at my ear.
“Holy shit,” I say, giggling that he used my phrase and deliriously happy. “That was fan-”
A flash of fur, glowing eyes and claws are all I register before Nick’s leaping to his feet with a yelp and there’s a very, verybadkitty attached to his back side.
“Mr. Jinglebell!” I shriek, jumping to the rescue of poor Nick’s very, very fine ass that’s under attack by a purr-baby turned fur-demon.
“You are such a bad boy,” I hear Carol scolding Mr. Jinglebell a short while later. “Santa’s not going to bring you any tuna this Christmas.”
The damn thing just snuggles into the blanket Carol and I were previously occupying and purrs. Thank God, he didn’t go for my dick. Granted, it was still buried in Carol's pussy at the time.
“I’m going to wash up,” I say, heading into the bathroom.
“Oh-okay,” Carol says. “I packed a first-aid kit. I think.”
“Hmm.” What else do you say when you’ve got a scratched-up ass and a used condom still waiting to be disposed of?
“Did you hear that, Mr. Jinglebell? Figgy pudding, look how angry you made daddy,” she whispers harshly towards the cat, forcing me to sprint the final steps into the bathroom to keep from busting out laughing. Even discomfort and mild humiliation can’t keep me down for long with Carol.
I wash with soap and water and soon Carol’s tentatively knocking, saying she’s found her kit. She enters hesitantly with sterile wipes and bandages in hand. “I’m really sorry, Nick. I think our Mischief Maker-in-Chief must’ve decided to take out his road trip frustrations at last.”
“A blood sacrifice was necessary, I suppose.”
She’s got her Christmas pajamas on again and they just make me want to fold her up in my arms and hold her forever. Goddamn, one time in the sack with Carol and I’m… I don’t know what exactly but I have a feeling she’s ruined me for other women already.
I grimace at the antiseptic wipes. “That’s going to sting.”
Her cheeks flush even as she gives me a playfully sexy smirk. “How about I kiss it and make it better afterwards?”
Oh, there we go. “What if I’ve got something I’d rather have you kiss than my ass?”
Without a word, Carol places a towel on the hard floor and then kneels before me, her big brown eyes level with my cock which is growing harder by the second. “Turn around and let me treat you. And then…”
“And then?”
Her breath tickles me as she leans closer to where I want her. “Then, I’ll kiss this and make everything all better.”
I love the way she thinks.
How did I sleep after the cat attack?
Fucking fantastic, that’s how.
Carol treated my wounds in the safety of the bathroom and then sucked my cock until I was damn near cross-eyed.“Want inside you,”I’d groaned, drowning in those big brown eyes that gazed up at me adoringly while her sweet lips were wrapped around me.
She’d quickly nodded and hopped up. I know a young lady who is getting everything she wants for Christmas whether Santa has her on the nice list or not.
I lifted her onto the bathroom counter, placed her ankles up by my ears before I dove into her like a man possessed while she cried out my name and begged for more. If the Evergreen Suite’s bathroom shares a wall with any of the other guests’ rooms, I’m so sorry. (And, not a bit sorry.)
“Carol,” I say softly as the morning light filters through the curtains.