Page 12 of Forever Oblivion

His brown eyes swirled with storms, and his face was pale. “I don’t like seeing you like this,” he said.

“On a bathroom floor?” I asked even as I sniffled.

He handed me a tissue, and I set about mopping my face.

“That, too.” He swiped at my cheek.

I closed my eyes and breathed out, trying to calm my racing thoughts. “I’m scared.”


I blew out a breath and met his gaze. “That stick has a plus on it.”

His grin turned wicked. “You needed the test? I’ve been waiting for you to tell me.” He bit his lip. “I figured out you didn’t know in Turks and Caicos.”

“Wh-what? You’re saying you knew and didn’t say anything? Nash, I was totally freaking out!”

“I see that.” He bowed his head, contrition settling over him. “I thought you knew I’d realized I want everything with you, Aya. Everything—the big wedding, kids, as in more than one. I loved having a brother, Ay. He was the best person in my life until I met you. It just took me some time to get past the pain and remember that.”

My jaw dropped. “More than one?”

He cupped my cheeks and met my watery gaze. “I’m sorry I wasn’t clear. I’m so sorry you were worried. I hate that you worried over this.” He pressed his forehead to mine. “I am all for this. Let’s do it.”

I huffed. “I’m mad you figured out I was pregnant before me.”

He slid his fingertips down to my chest and over my breasts. They ached at his gentle touch. “They’ve been sore, huh? And definitely plumper.” He licked his lips. “And we’ve had sex every day—at least once—for the past seven weeks.”

“Oh.” My eyes widened. “Oh.” I sucked on my lower lip. “I guess I’ve been kind of preoccupied with the launch of the nonprofit and the clinics opening.”

He raised an eyebrow. “I guess so.”

“And I guess this means you really do pay attention.”

The left side of his mouth curled up. “Guess it does.”

“You…you’re not mad? About me being pregnant? I’ll give up the money in the trust. We can donate it to a nonprofit or something. Or just toss it up in the air and let people grab it—whatever. But I don’t want it. I don’t need it. I’d never do that to you or our baby.”

His smile nearly blinded me. He sank to his knees and cupped my cheeks in his big, warm hands. “I know. And I put that stupid fear of mine to rest months ago.”

I studied his eyes, searching…and finding calm acceptance and lots of love.

My lower lip quivered. “You’re not mad?”

“Ah, love.” He kissed my lips before pulling me tighter into his embrace. But then he set me back enough to see his face, his palms once again cradling my cheeks. “I literally could not hold any more happiness inside me. You’re mine, Aya. We’re going to have a baby that’s made from the deep well of love I have for you. This is everything—everything I wouldn’t let myself actually hope for.”

I clasped my hands around his wrists. “Do you think we’ll be good at parenting?”

Nash snorted, a look of disgust drifting across his face. “We had shit role models. So we know what not to do.” He considered for a moment. “I guess that’s going to have to be our something.” He leaned in and kissed me. “I want you and this baby. All we need to do is get hitched and we’ve got it all, pretty girl.”

I shook my head. “You can’t call a mother that.”

He chuckled. “Want me to call you little lady?”

I scowled.


My lips kicked up, but I narrowed my eyes.