Page 10 of Forever Oblivion

Hugh grimaced. “A reporter jumped the fence line at the ranch and made it to the big house, harassing Mama Grace, who was watching baby Cash. Cam and Chuck dealt with the guy. His camera didn’t survive.”

“I’ll go to see Jenna and apologize,” I said, rising.

Nash rose, too, running his fingers through his hair. “I’ll go to Cam, make sure he, Mama G, and baby Cash are okay.”

He kissed my cheek. “Have Brandon drive you. Apparently, we are the story of the week.”

I nodded. “Be careful.”

“I’m so sorry, Jenna,” I said again. I’d met her in the back room of her shop near Sixth Street in downtown Austin. I’d brought along pints of ice cream from Amy’s, Jenna’s favorite local shop, as a peace offering.

“Pfft. Nothing for you to apologize for. That was Cam’s macho alpha tendencies leading before his brain caught up. Much as I love the man, he can be a bison in a pottery store.”

“That’s not the saying,” Kate replied. She dipped her spoon into the chocolate confection I’d brought and shoved the bite in her mouth. “So good,” she moaned.

“If you say it’s better than sex, I’m telling Rye he’s not doing it right,” Jenna said with a devilish smirk. “Now let me try that. Your moaning is making me lust for more.”

“Nothing’s better than sex, not even sleep,” Kate said with a yawn. “Which is why I’m always exhausted. Rye likes midnight romps.” She grinned even as she tipped her container toward Jenna. “They’re growing on me.”

Jenna dragged her spoon over the top and popped the bite into her mouth. “Whatever, sexed-up girl. I need some because, as good as ice cream is, it’s all I’m getting.” She tossed her spoon aside and scowled.

“Cam’s been treating Jenna like she’s blown glass,” Kate said. “The doctor cleared her—she’s healthy. But Cam’s still concerned.”

“I bounced back, and he’s not bouncing me.” Jenna pouted.

“Well, Cash is six months old…” Kate said.

“You can’t survive without hot sex,” I added. My face flamed as both Kate and Jenna turned toward me, eyes wide, spoons poised over their cartons.

“Erm…” I glanced back, making sure Brandon wasn’t within earshot. In fact, I didn’t see him at all. He’d remained at the front of the store, keeping an eye on things. Jenna and Kate burst into peals of laughter.

“I guess the rumors floating around out there about Nash are true,” Jenna said with a wink.

I shook my head. “I wouldn’t know about rumors, which is all they are—rumors. But I do know he and I are…compatible.”

“Eh. Cam and I used to burn up the sheets. And sometimes the shower or the floor or—”

“That’s my big brother you’re grossing me out with right now,” Kate complained. She pointed her spoon at Jenna. “Shut it so I can enjoy this ice cream in peace. And just make him love you up already.”

“I happen to like the wilder moments myself,” I muttered. I clapped my hand over my mouth, aghast.

Jenna and Kate peered at me. Jenna set her container down and rose from her seat. She was tall, willowy, and no one would know she’d recently had a baby.

“What’s gotten into you?” she asked.

I touched my fingertips to my flaming cheeks. “I don’t know. It’s like I can’t help but blurt things out.”

Kate narrowed her eyes. “What about ice cream? Why don’t you have one?”

I pressed a hand to my stomach and groaned. “The mere thought makes me want to hurl.”

“Huh,” Jenna said. “Sounds like your hormones are out of whack. Must be all the crazy-hot sex with the crazy-hot love.”

I gasped. “It’s making me…loose.”

Kate cracked up. “Nah, honey. It’s making you human. It’s good to share with your girlfriends.”

She linked her arm through mine. “And I’m your friend, as is Jenna, which is why we’re going to have you pee on a stick and sip on a bubbly water.”