Page 82 of Love, Untangled

Carlo nodded. “I named it after the most important person in my life. The person who makes me happiest. Who I want to spend as much time as possible with for the rest of my life.”

Pen settled her free hand against her chest. “Oh.” Her insides were all gooey.

“Do you want to try it?”

“What? Oh, yes, of course.” She took a small sip. Her eyes widened as the fruit burst on her tongue, tingles trailing behind it as the tiny bubbles popped in an effervescent display of joy. “Wow.”

“Wow, good?” Carlo asked.

“Yes. It’s delicious.”

He nodded. “I thought so. But I wanted you to enjoy it.”

Pen took another sip as she leaned her hip against the counter, enjoying the flavor and her new space—and her sexy farmer/fire inspector. “You sure do know how to show a girl a good time.”

He winked. “I’m taking you to dinner.”


“Yep. And then I thought we’d come back here and celebrate some more.”

Pen’s smile widened. “I like that idea.”


She nodded. “Good.”

“And next week, my parents are flying out. They want to meet you.”

Pen’s smile widened even further. “Maybe your mother can teach me to cook.”

“No one can work that kind of miracle, Sunshine. But I’m sure she’s willing to try.”



Happiness was something to be cherished, held tight and nurtured. Like everything in life, it didn’t last indefinitely, but the contentment warming his soul kept Carlo smiling as he cuddled up even closer to his Sunshine as they settled into her living room sofa, both of them gazing into the fireplace where the wood burned with merry, crackling flames. They sipped at their mugs of mulled apple cider and Pen’s warmth inside blossomed even more.

“I can’t believe it’ll be May first tomorrow,” Pen murmured. “My one-year anniversary here. Boy, has my world changed.” She practically bounced up and down with excitement. “I can’t believe I’m almost a fur nana.”

“I had no idea alpacas took nearly a year to give birth.”

“Me either. It’s crazy that it’s longer than a human pregnancy.”

Carlo spread his big hand over her belly. “Are you interested in that? Some day?”

“Oh, absolutely,” Pen said with a grin. She covered his hand with hers. “But not yet. I want to enjoy our fur baby. And I want to spend more time with your mom.”

He kissed the tip of her nose. “That can all be arranged. But I still can’t believe you want my crazy family to come back out,” Carlo answered.

“Why wouldn’t I? Your parents are the best.”

Carlo sobered. Penelope didn’t talk much about her mother’s trial but he knew it weighed on her. How could it not? But she was handling her issues better than he ever had. He tried not to pressure her, knowing she’d talk to him when she was ready.

The fact that her mother had just been sentenced to what would equal life in prison seemed to calm Penelope. She and Leon had spoken about it at length, and both seemed content with the verdict.

“I know you still worry about the age difference,” she said.