Page 80 of Love, Untangled

She shifted her hips. “I noticed.”

“Yeah, that too. But I meant someone to share a laugh with, someone to snuggle.” She pressed in closer and Carlo bit back a groan at how good she felt in his arms.

“Are you offering an open invitation to snuggle?” Penelope’s eyes were wide, her mouth gaping.

“Yeah, with you.”

“Only me?”

“I can’t imagine anyone else.”

Her expression turned shy. “I’d like that.”

He kissed the tip of her nose, then both cheeks before homing in on her sweet, pink lips. “Good,” he breathed out. “So good.” He pulled back and stared at her. “Can we sit out here, watch the sunset?”

She blinked desire-hazed eyes. “Sure.”

He led her to the swing. “I missed you.”

“How are your parents?”

“Good. Really good. We talked. They said some things I needed to hear.”

She twisted so that her knee pressed against his thigh and her torso faced his. “Like?”

He blew out a breath. “Like the fact that I martyred Cora. Her death was an absolute tragedy, but so are many others. And my grumpiness came from me not dealing with my feelings.” He looked down at his hands, which he’d linked between his knees. “Me lashing out came from that same place—not knowing how to handle what I was feeling.”


“So I’m going to keep working on that.” He raised his head. “Get better at communicating. Learn to process my emotions in a healthier way.”

“Do you think that’s possible?”

Carlo nodded. “I know it is. I’m not saying I’ll be perfect. But I can and will be better.”

Penelope looked at him with those big, shining eyes. “Okay.”

“You’ll…you’ll give me another chance?”

“I’ll give us another chance.” She touched his cheek. “I love you, Carlo. I feel safe with you. I think that’s why your words hurt me so much.”

He squeezed his eyes closed but then reached forward, wrapping his arms around her waist and nuzzling his nose into her hair. “I don’t deserve it, but I won’t waste it. I promise, Sunshine. I promise you I’ll work hard every day.”

“I know you will—I’ve seen your work ethic. Now, can we enjoy the sunset?”

He pulled back enough to see her smile. Her expression was bright and filled with joy. “Yeah. Whatever you want.”

In that moment as the sun sank low, he exhaled, no longer carrying the burden of his past on his shoulders. Now, he was just a man enjoying the sunset with a beautiful woman. His woman.

He tightened his arm around her waist and she settled her head back against his shoulder. Warmth suffused him, first from the connection of their bodies, but then deeper, as he realized that Pen accepted him and wanted him—even as the gruff, grumpy monster he’d been at times. He brushed his lips against her temple, enjoying the waft of her shampoo. The shampoo she’d made. That was yet another offering she should add to her list of classes at the farm. Many people were interested in creating their own soaps and candles in addition to crafts.

Pen continued to learn and expand her capabilities. She was so talented. He planned to help her see all of herself, the exceptional artist, and the burgeoning businesswoman. She was all that and more—kind, elegant, thoughtful of others.

He was lucky—so damn lucky—that she’d given him this chance.

He’d never squander it. He breathed her in, hugged her just a little bit closer and murmured the promise to the universe.
