Page 68 of Love, Untangled

“Where’s Leon?” Pen asked.

The police must have finished searching the area because two officers trotted toward Pen. “Sir. Ma’am. Can you tell us what happened here?”

“We need to find Leon. He was here…”

“We found him, ma’am. He’s hurt, but he’ll be okay. He’s talking to one of my colleagues.”

“He’s okay?” Penelope asked again.

“Yes, ma’am. Shaken and bleeding from a bullet graze to his shoulder, but he’s okay.”

Penelope’s shoulders sagged. “Oh, good.”

When Pen placed her hand on the ground, her intention to rise clear, Carlo hopped up and helped her to her feet. She wobbled a little, squinting as the flames brightened and the sun popped out from behind a cloud. Pen definitely showed signs of a concussion.

“Let’s get her up on the porch,” he said. “Maybe get her a glass of water, and we can tell you what happened.”

As they ascended the steps, Carlo’s arm around her waist as she wobbled her way, Pen tipped her head back. “Thank you for coming.”

“I couldn’t stand the thought of something happening to you,” he said.

Pen’s gaze softened for a moment, but then she seemed to remember his words to her last night. Her gaze shuttered. “Do you think Alpaca Man and Lydia are okay?”

“I’ll find them as soon as we’re done here.”

She looked troubled but didn’t push for more. That told Carlo just how much she had to be hurting—up until this point, Pen seemed to care about everyone around her more than herself. He didn’t like the fact that her eyes were muddied with pain and fear, and her expression pinched. She wasn’t the normal bright Sunshine he’d come to expect, and the realization unsettled him.

Once Pen sank into a wooden rocking chair, a glass of water in hand, she took a deep breath. Her gaze drifted toward Carlo before she faced the officer.

Her head must be hurting, but she managed to answer his questions lucidly. At least the concussion wasn’t scrambling her mind.

“Why was the man here?” the officer asked once Pen finished reciting the details.

She sucked in a breath. “I don’t know for sure

“And have you met him before?” the officer asked.

Pen bit her lip, concern darkening her eyes. “Back in May?” She looked toward Carlo who nodded. “I let Alpaca Man out of my car for a potty break.”

For their part, the officers, who must have seen Alpaca Man following Pen around the beach, boardwalk, or possibly waiting docilely in the car when she bought groceries, didn’t comment on her treating him like a pet. He was.

“And this man came around a bend, a rifle on his shoulder. He took aim at Alpaca Man, and…” Her gaze flitted to Carlo’s. “I hit him on the head with a tree branch.” She shrugged. “I had no idea he was my great-uncle. I had no idea I had a great-uncle.”

Chapter 34


Pen assumed Carlo would be angry with her revelation. She’d kept this secret from him. Maybe if she’d shared it, she wouldn’t have feared Leon.

Instead Carlo continued to hold her hand, and she appreciated the warmth of his skin against hers, how his touch anchored her to the moment. Waves of worry continued to slam into her, causing her chest to heave. She wanted Alpaca Man there, nearby, so she could see for herself that he was okay. But Carlo had promised to bring him and Lydia soon. Pen tried to relax, understanding she had to wait until the officer let her go. But the continued time apart caused what felt like ants to tumble through her tummy, biting and stinging their way up her throat.

The officer asked a few more questions and the ambulance arrived. Once Carlo told the EMTs how he’d found Pen, the men insisted on examining her.

“Definitely a concussion,” the one with the small penlight said as Pen squinted against the light.

“I’m fine.”

“You aren’t,” Carlo said. “I think her cheek may be fractured.”