“What the fuck, Dylan?” she yells, and I cringe again. This time at the loud noise. Although I’m pretty sure this is just a dream, because Summer never says the word fuck.

“It’s not a dream, asshole.”I don’t think she says asshole either. Definitely a dream.

“Are you drunk?” she asks.I sure am.Fuck, is Summer actually on the phone?Pulling the phone away from my ear, I stare down at it and try to focus on the screen. I’m ninety percent sure it says Summer, so it’s probably real. I run my hand through my hair and then down my face, taking a deep breath.

“Sorry, yes. I’ve been drinking.” That sounded pretty normal. I think.

I hear a sigh and then Summer stays silent for a minute. “Are you there?” I ask, and she sighs again.

“I’m here.” She pauses, and it’s silent except for the deep breathing of whomever I’m sharing the room with. “This conversation would be better if you were sober.”

Ah, what?That doesn’t sound promising. I clear my throat again, like that’s going to miraculously sober me up. “I’m focused. I’m good.”Focus. Focus. Focus.

“Thomas called.”

Fuck. This just goes from bad to worse. “Okay…”

“You promised you wouldn’t say anything. You were hurt when I thought that you might.”

Burying my face in my hands, I whisper-yell “fuck” and shake my head. She’s right. God, I’m an asshole. “Summer, I’m so sorry. Can I come and see you? I need to see you.”

“Just give me some time, okay?”

“What did he say to you? If he hurt you—”

“It wasn’t anything he hadn’t said before. I’m okay, I just…”Have trouble trusting people and letting them in and I just fucked up big time.

“I get it. Take all the time you need.”

Summer says good night and hangs up, leaving me staring at a blank screen. I throw my phone against the back of the couch and pull my hair in anger.

“That was brutal,” comes from the floor, and I’ve somehow sobered enough to recognize the voice as our defensive tackle.

“You’re not wrong, man.” I laugh, but it’s coated in sadness. “Not wrong at all.”

When I wake the next morning, or afternoon, I can hear Cory and Nate in the kitchen. I’m still fuming from everything that happened last night, and since Summer’s already pissed at me, I figure I might as well dig a bigger hole. Entering the kitchen, I find them cleaning up the mess the boys left, something poor Cory’s done many times before.If only you could clean up my life’s mess, Cory.As soon as I meet her eyes, I laugh at nothing and shake my head. “So, tell me, Cory, how old was Summer when she had her car accident again? I forgot.”

My question throws her off guard. Her eyes widen, and she looks to Nate for the answer.I’ll give you the hot tip, Cory. He doesn’t know.“She was…ah…God, it was a little while ago…maybe…” Her stumbling doesn’t surprise me in the least. Deep down, I was hoping that Cory was in the dark, just as much as the rest of us, but as I suspected, she’s not.

“What accident?” Nate asks with a furrowed brow.That’s the million-dollar question, isn’t it?

“Great question, Nate. Who was it?”

“What do you mean?” Cory says innocently as Nate looks between the two of us in confusion.

I take a step forward before stopping myself. “Come on, Cory. You knowexactlywhat I mean.” Enough is enough. I know Summer has every right to keep secrets from me, but I can’t stand the idea of someone hurting her and getting away with it.

“Hey, Dylan. Ease up,” Nate warns. I don’t blame him for protecting his girlfriend. I would do the same. But I can’t drop this.

“Ease up? Ease up!? Tell me, Nate. Would youeaseup if someone had hurt Cory so badly that she had permanent scars?” I look him in the eyes and watch the color drain from his face as he not only pictures something happening to Cory but also thinks about his mom.

“I…I… What’s he talking about?” Nate looks to Cory for answers.

“I’m sorry, I can’t.” Cory puts her head in her hands and shakes. I feel for her, I do, but this is fucked-up, and they shouldn’t be letting the responsible person get away with this.

“Dylan, I think you should ask Summer. It’s not really Cory’s—” Nate begins, but I cut him off.

“She’s protecting him.” I probably shouldn’t assume it’s ahe, but I don’t think I’m wrong.