I want to hurt someone. I’ve never felt like this before. I’m not an angry man. Nicole was cheating on me for our entire relationship, and I didn’t feel even a tenth of the hatred I feel for whoever did that to Summer. An accident? Afuckingaccident? Why is she covering for someone? Who is she covering for?As much as I wanted Summer to stay, it’s definitely better that she left. I’m not sure I could have continued to hide the anger I had itching to come out.

Cup in hand, I’ve just stepped out of the room when Thomas enters my line of sight. I’d completely forgotten he’d be here, and he’s the perfect outlet for this tense energy. My nostrils flare at the sight of him as my hands clench into fists.

“Hey, Dylan, my man,” Thomas says, walking toward me without a care in the world.Never mind that his sister has scars on her back, serious commitment issues, and no family.

Without thinking, I shove him against the wall, pushing my hands into his shoulders to stop him from moving.“Was it you?” I yell. “Did you hurt her?”

“What the fuck, Dylan? What are you talking about? Who?” He tries to shove me back but fails. He’s stronger than I am, but the adrenaline is keeping us more evenly matched.

I shove him again, and get up in his face. “Summer? Did you cause those scars?”I can’t believe Summer thought I’d buy her car accident story. She’s got to be kidding herself. There were a few scars, and from what I saw, they varied in color, and one was a lot more faded than the others. It can’t have been one accident.

“What scars? What—”

I don’t let him finish, and while I’m aware of our audience, I can’t walk away.“Don’t play dumb. The scars all over her back.”

“Her back? Dylan, whatever she said is bullshit.”He spits out his words and grips my forearms to try and release my hold.

“It’s not bullshit, you asshole. I’ve seen them. I—”

“Wait…” He cuts me off. “You’ve fucked her, haven’t you? Did she suck you in? Don’t tell me you’ve fallen for her? I fucking warned you. I warned all of you!” he yells to no one in particular.What the hell is wrong with this guy?

I stare at Thomas in complete shock at the venom in his voice, my hands still locked firmly on his shoulders. How can someone be this callous toward their own flesh and blood? Whatever happened between them must have been seriously fucked-up. I need to know—I’m desperate to know—and Summer’s not sharing. I pull Thomas back from the wall and loosen my grip without letting go, completely ignoring his rant. “You claim she did something to you. So, what happened?”

“I’d rather not—”

I slam him back against the wall and release him again.“What the fuck happened?”

“She stole from my parents and ran away from home.”What?I stare at him with a raised eyebrow. He can’t really expect me to believe that, right?

He takes a deep breath and huffs out a laugh. “Whatever, man, I don’t care if you think that’s bullshit. It’s the truth. Dad said she used to sneak guys into her room and they’d fight about it. One day, actually it was the day I had the post-game party at my house, your freshman year, remember?”

I nod in acknowledgement, playing it cool while my heart begins to race. It was the only party he ever held at his place. I remember that party, but I don’t remember Summer.Is that why I thought I recognized her the first time I saw her? Have we met before?

Thomas nods back at me and continues. “Well, something happened that day, and she left. She stole their entire life savings, and instead of disappearing like a normal runaway, she chose to live here and rub it in their faces. She’s lucky they didn’t press charges. I would have… Hell, I wanted to, but they said to let it go. On top of all that, I have to hear about her going from guy to guy on campus. A constant reminder of what she’s done.”

I suddenly feel sick.What does he mean, something happened that day?Did something happen that night with one of my teammates? Did one of them cause the scars?Nothing he’s saying makes sense. The only comment that feels true is the last one, and he just described half the college population. Stealing, really?How did she steal from them? Did they keep their money in cash? And why would she stay around if she did?

He pauses for a minute, something else in his eyes other than anger.“She ruined their lives, Dylan. They were happy before, but the money and Summer leaving drove a wedge between them, and she doesn’t even care.”

Sometime during Thomas’s speech, I release my hold on him. If what he’s saying is true, then why is Summer the one who’s hurting? I can’t actually believe he’s talking about the same person. It’s not possible.

“I know what you’re thinking, Dylan, but you’re wrong. She’s good at showing you a different side of herself. A fake side. I’m sorry she sucked you in; I really am.”He cuffs me on the shoulder and then walks away.Like he’s doing me a public service by warning me off her. All he’s actually doing is making me want to punch him in the face.

There is no way I’m going to believe the bullshit he’s spinning until I hear Summer’s side of the story. The fact that all his arguments were based on things his parents said happened doesn’t sit well with me. Why the fuck wouldn’t he ask Summer himself? I need another drink. As much as I want to talk to her, I know I need to give Summer her space tonight.

En route to the kitchen, a hand grips my shoulder and pulls me back.I’m about to throw a punch, thinking it’s Thomas, when Luke’s voice filters into my mind. “I’m sorry, man, I overheard, and ah…shit,” he says as I turn to face him. The look on his face tells me exactly what he’s trying to say.

“You think he’s right?” I ask. Of course, all my friends would take Thomas’s side over Summer.

“Actually…no.”My eyes shoot to his in confusion.“Well, yes…I mean, I think hethinkshe’s right, but I don’t think it’s the true story. Where were you running off to just now?”

“I need a drink. I can’t be here with him while I’m sober.”

“He’s gone.”

Thank fuck for that because Luke’s words only make me want to punch Thomas even more. How is it possible he didn’t even bother to find out the truth?

Chapter Thirty-Six