Summer’s eyebrows rise in surprise. “Is that so?” she says with a smile.

“It’s so. And you’re going to love it.”

She laughs at that and moves toward the driver’s door. I grab her hand and pull her back toward me for one more kiss. “And I’m driving,” I add before walking her to the passenger door and directing her inside. Thankfully, she doesn’t protest. If I don’t drive, my mind might get other ideas, and I want to see this through.

When we pull up at my place, I walk around to Summer’s door and open it for her. She gives me a wry smile but continues to play along. Taking her hand, I guide her back to the driver’s side and then stop her before she gets in, pushing her against the door. My hand moves into her hair, and I kiss her with everything I’ve got.

When I pull away, she’s breathless.

“I had a great time tonight. I’ll see you at our Friendsgiving, right?”

She nods her head with a smile. “I’ll be there.”

“Great. Goodnight, Summer.” I kiss her again and then walk to my door. When I’m halfway, I look back over my shoulder to see her shaking her head with a smirk. She’s so fucking adorable it’s almost impossible to leave. But I will…after one more kiss.

I run back to her and sweep her into my arms before dipping her back and pressing my lips to hers in a scorching kiss. She giggles against my lips and then moans when my tongue brushes against hers. We stay like that for a minute until I pull away.

“I’ll be seeing you,” I say with a corny exaggerated wink.

“You will,” Summer replies breathlessly with her bottom lip between her teeth.

I walk to my door for the second time tonight, and this time when I look back, she’s leaning against her car with her fingers to her lips and the most beautiful smile on her face.

God, I hope I did the right thing.

Chapter Thirty-Three


Thedaysleadingupto Thanksgiving were insanely busy with practice, classes, and family, especially since we celebrated early when Mom and her boyfriend, Sam, decided to go away for the weekend. The plus side of that was our little group that had formed was able to use my family home for a Friendsgiving dinner we’d put together. The negative of being so busy meant I didn’t have time to see Summer. We spoke every day, sometimes twice, but never about us or what was happening between us. As desperate as I was to know, I could definitely feel that something was different. Maybe, if I was lucky, it even meant she wouldn’t run this time.

By Friendsgiving, I’m so anxious to see Summer, the morning feels like it’s absolutely dragging. So when evening finally rolls around and she arrives with Logan, I can’t stop the jealousy from rearing its ugly head. I do my best to keep it in check because I know things ended well between us after our date, but I can’t help but wonder if something has happened betweenthemsince he’s been at her place all week.

When I open the door, Summer’s smile lights up her face, and she jumps into my arms, wrapping hers around my neck.

“Happy Friendsgiving, Dylan,” she says as her lips connect with mine in a heated kiss.This is new.

When she pulls back, I look over her shoulder at Logan and silently ask, “who is this person?” He shrugs his shoulders with what I can only guess must be a knowing smile.

Summer drops back to the floor and steps aside so Logan can move forward. “Happy Thanksgiving,” I greet him, holding a hand out for him to shake, but he surprises me by pulling me into a half hug. “Thanks for having me, man,” he says as he pats my shoulder.

Summer laughs and walks away, leaving Logan and me alone. He stands tall, squaring his shoulders, and waits until she’s out of earshot before he speaks. “I’m not going to read you the riot act, because both Summer and Cory think you’re a decent guy, but don’t hurt her, okay?” There’s a desperate plea in his tone, showing me just how deeply he cares for her.

I swallow slowly and say, “Never,” a little stunned to be having this conversation.Does this mean Summer’s told him she wants more between us?

Logan smiles and pats my back once more before moving to Summer’s side. I stare at them both for a moment and wonder what it all means. God, I’d love to talk to her. Alone. But do I think that will happen tonight? Not a chance.

Lucy greets Summer with a warm hug and smiles at Logan before introducing them to her douchebag boyfriend, Greg. I’m about to join them when the doorbell rings, and Nate, Cory, and Joel walk in, arms full of food and alcohol, plus a stack of board games. I welcome them in and then run a hand down my face to hide my frustration.It’s going to be a long night.

During the gathering, Summer and I mingle with our friends. Sometimes together, sometimes apart, but always in each other’s sights. She’s currently standing next to Cory, deep in conversation, but stealing glances my way.

“And then he had the nerve to say it was my fault,” Nate says beside me. I’m only half listening to his conversation as he tells Joel about the complete mess that was our training session yesterday. The boys are partying too much at the moment, and it shows.

“Dylan tells me the freshmen and sophomores are fucking around,” Joel says, getting Nate started on another rant. One that I’d usually join in on if I wasn’t so distracted.

I look back at Summer for the hundredth time to see her walking my way. She has a flirty look on her face with her sights set on me, so I raise an eyebrow in question.

I’m about to move toward her when Lucy announces loudly that it’s time to set the table, causing me to jump in surprise at her close proximity. Summer smirks and shakes her head. I roll my eyes and move to the kitchen on autopilot, knowing that Lucy’s words were meant for me. When Summer joins us to help, I abandon my job and stand against the wall, watching her flit around the room before she heads my way. There’s a sassy smile playing on her lips that tells me she knows too well where my eyes have been glued.