I let out a giggle. I can’t help it. I’m nervous, confused, and completely turned on by this new “take control” version of Dylan.
He shoots me a panty-melting smile which causes my heart rate to pick up again barely seconds after it settled from the kiss. Dylan takes another step back, bringing him to the doorway, then points over his shoulder. “I’m going to go before I do something stupid. Somethingelsestupid.” He shrugs and then walks away, leaving me frozen in place, completely unfazed that I’m in my underwear.
I run a hand through my knotted hair before pressing my fingers to my lips.Who was that? And more importantly, where did he go?
Chapter Twenty-One
Ifyou’dhavetoldme a few months ago that I’d not only have made friends with some of the football team, but that I’d be attending their yearly fundraiser, I would have laughed in your face. But, here I am. Standing on the threshold, waiting to enter.
After Dylan attacked me with one hell of a kiss last week, we’vebarely spoken. Our communication has consisted of one phone call and a bunch of texts. Dylan’s words still run through my head on repeat,to get it out of our systems.It might have worked for him, but for me it had the opposite effect. Nothing has changed when it comes to my feelings on starting something with Dylan, but one thing has definitely changed in me. Kissing Dylan Mathers now consumes my every thought. But it can’t happen. It will ruin both of us.
Taking a deep breath, my eyes wander over the many beautiful women prancing around the football team as they make their way inside. I’m definitely underdressed, actually maybe overdressed is the right word, judging by all the scantily clad girls. I mean, sure, I’m wearing a dress, but it’s not so short that it reveals my ass, and doesn’t have pieces missing in random places. I’m wearing a simple black wrap dress with capped sleeves that’s fitted to my curves but still allows movement. It hits me a few inches above the knee, and the neckline dips just enough to see a hint of cleavage. It’s nothing special but I feel confident when I’m wearing it. Rather than sky-high stilettos, I’ve paired it with little black ankle boots. I probably should have worn something strappy when it came to shoes, but I didn’t. So, sue me.
Joel sees me in the entry when I step through the doors and rushes to my side to usher me to our seats. The room is beautifully decorated with flower arrangements, white tablecloths, and candelabra centerpieces. Not to mention polished silver and plush looking chairs. It’s classy. I like it. It’s not at all what you’d expect from a football function, or based on the attire of some of the female attendees. Nonetheless, my judgment of this event is off to a good start.
I’m attending tonight as Joel’s date, much to Dylan’s displeasure. It’s not that I didn’t want to go with Dylan. Joel just asked me first. Dylan argued I should support myfootball playerbest friend, since it was a football team event, which made complete sense, but Joel won me over with, and I quote, “please, Sum, I know I’m going to get messy drunk. I always do at these things, and I can’t afford to do anything stupid.” I couldn’t say no, especially with his puppy dog eyes and soft husky voice. When I’d explained that to Dylan, his expression softened, and he immediately agreed with me. There was definitely a story there. The list of things I wanted to know about Joel was increasing. For someone who had the uncanny ability to pull secrets from everyone he met, he sure kept his own locked up. All I can say now is, thank God for Joel, because I’m not sure I could have been Dylan’s date tonight with my head so messed up.
Dylan stands as we reach the table, and I don’t miss the way his gaze sweeps over my body before landing on my face. His Adam’s apple bobs before his eyes meet mine. Our eyes lock, and his intense stare is full of heat, a heat that I’m feeling but desperately trying not to project. This blatant lust is not typical Dylan behavior, but not at all unwelcome, even though it should be. I bite my lip and take a deep breath to control my breathing. Dylan’s face scrunches in agony, and he shakes his head before running a hand through his hair, breaking our connection.
It’s only been a matter of seconds since I arrived, but enough time for Dylan to completely rattle me. We’ve settled into such a comfortable friendship, one I rely on. I’ve never once thought about taking things in another direction since our friendship became real.Okay, maybe once. But now, it’s all so confusing. I don’t want a relationship—full stop—and definitely don’t want to start something with Dylan when I know it’s going to end badly. It will ruin him. I will ruin him. Why did things have to change?
A throat clears beside me, and my face reddens at being busted, lost in thought. I mutter a quick apology and sit down. When I look back at Dylan, the heat has diminished, a sympathetic smile in its place.
I relax after that and vow to enjoy the night. Drinks flow, conversation moves easily, and the formalities are actually not the borefest I was expecting. At one point, I even scan the silent auction items, feigning interest, with no intention of bidding. I might be a supportive presence here, but I can’t afford to help in any other way. The ticket cost was all I could manage, though a signed Led Zeppelin record has caught my eye.Rob would kill for this.
“I knew that one would gain your interest,” a deep voice says from behind me. I can practically feel Dylan’s touch, but when I turn around, he’s not as close as I thought.
“If I could afford it, I’d definitely be interested. Only not for me—for Cory’s dad. I kind of owe him, big time.”
Dylan shakes his head and takes a step closer to me. My body heats at our proximity. “For taking you in?” he asks, but doesn’t wait for a reply. Instead, he leans forward to speak directly into my ear. “Summer, I’d bet my life savings on himnotthinking you owe him a dime, and I’ve never met him. You seem to mistakenly think it’s a hardship to care for you. Trust me, it’s not.”
I can’t stop the blush from coating my skin. Unsure how to answer that, I take the coward’s way out. “Either way, I can’t afford it. But it was nice to see what’s on offer. I’m going to head back.”
I move to walk away until Dylan speaks. “I could always steal it for you, like the candy bar you made me pinch in middle school.”
He’s offering me an out. An opening to walk through. A free ride back to our friendship. I take it and run. Shrugging my shoulders, I give him my best “what can you do” look and say, “You chose dare. Would you rather I asked you to kiss Joel?”
“Definitely,” he replies with a straight face. “At least then I wouldn’t have been grounded for a month.”
I shake my head and laugh.
“Wish I’d known you felt that way, Dyl,” Joel says, coming to a stop at my side. “Would have been a huge ego boost back in the day.” He winks.
I roll my eyes and laugh at the two guys who have so deeply penetrated my life. “Thank you both for always keeping me entertained,” I say, linking my arms through theirs and walking us back to the table.
I’m having a great night until, to my horror, they announce that the last part of the fundraiser is karaoke.How did I not know this beforehand?Makes sense to wait until they have an intoxicated crowd, but it’s still not enough for me. I glare at Cory, and she shrugs. I do not sing in public, ever. I’m not a terrible singer, but I don’t enjoy the spotlight, despite often projecting that image. In order to raise extra money, each table must volunteer five of the ten seated to sing. If they don’t, the table has to donate a thousand dollars from their own pockets. If five people volunteer, the coaching team donates the money instead.Lovely idea, but geez. Warn a girl.
As soon as the announcements conclude, Dylan speaks.“I’m out. Sorry team, but I’m not drunk enough for this. I’d rather pay the cash.”
“That’s because you’re tone deaf,” his teammate jokes. Dylan shrugs in response.
Another three people follow suit and refuse. Cory and Nate both agree to sing. Cory may be shy, but she is one hell of a performer. I’m excited to see her and Nate duet. Luke says he’s in, and the boys on the table all snicker, joking about his terrible voice that still miraculously gets him the ladies. Their words, not mine. He mumbles something about singing “Pony” by Ginuwine, and I bark out a laugh, picturing him dancing the moves.
I’m still laughing when I feel Joel watching me, his eyebrows raised in question. “I’m game if you are?” He smiles, and I freeze.
This can’t be happening. How do I say no?I can’t afford the money, but the thought of standing up there? The only other person left is one of the guy’s dates. I turn to look at her as she sits down. Her date must have asked because I see her frantically shaking her head.Shit! I’m the only one left. My hands begin to sweat as I look back at Joel’s excited face. He can see my hesitancy, because he smiles with encouragement, but he obviously doesn’t realize how terrified I am.Dammit, Joel, I thought you had the power to read people.