As expected, she played it down on the drive over to the party, acting like it was no big deal that she’d been there in the stands cheering me on. She even mentioned that Cory had begged her to go. While that might be the case, deep down, we both knew she was there for me, and that meanseverything.
The last couple of months with Summer have really cemented our friendship. I’ve seen her almost as much as I’ve seen the guys and wanted to see her even more. Does my mind sometimes drift where it shouldn’t and conjure up images of us as more than just friends? Yes. But would I ever do anything about it? I doubt it. I respect Summer and I respect our friendship too much for that. I’d rather have her in my life as a friend than not at all.
As we push through the doors of the bar, our night plays out the same as those we’ve shared before this. Summer and I arrive together. She heads to the bar and then makes her presence known on the dance floor before she’s even had her first sip; meanwhile, I get stopped every few steps from the moment I enter the building. By the time I make it all the way into the room, Summer is usually in her element, bumping and grinding with some guy. And today is no different. I know that we’ll catch each other at different stages throughout the night. We’ll flirt, and we may even dance. But when the night ends, we never leave together.
Leaning back on the bar, I take in the scene around me, trying hard to avert my gaze from the dance floor. Not only am I unsuccessful, but I also have the worst timing. My eyes find Summer at the exact moment she turns and presses her ass into the guy dancing behind her, gliding her hands up her body before locking them behind his neck. I want to look away,needto look away, but instead my eyes scan her body, only stopping when I see two hands grip her waist and then move up her sides, almost mimicking the path she took. I swallow a lump in my throat and attempt to ignore the heavy feeling in the pit of my stomach. I’ve seen Summer with guys before, but this is different. She’s different.Why?
I need a distraction, and fast. A few of my teammates have gathered about a table and are knocking back shots. While I don’t want the shots, I decide to join them to keep my mind—and eyes—off the dance floor. Time passes slowly, without so much as a hi from Summer. Something is definitely different tonight.Is it her or me that’s changed?Has she sensed that something has changed in me so is keeping her distance?Has something changed in me?Either way, it’s like she’s ignoring me. No, worse, it’s like we’re strangers. She hasn’t even looked my way. I know this, because I’ve looked her way plenty. I’m doing it right now.
“You expect me to believe there’s nothing going on with you and Summer?” Luke says, taking the spare seat at our table and interrupting my thoughts.
“I honestly don’t care what you believe, but yep, that’s the truth.” Luke loves to push my buttons most days, and right now he’s looking at me with mischief in his eyes.
“All right then. Let’s do this.” He sneers and rises from the seat again, before he’s even warmed it. I send out a silent prayer that he doesn’t mean what I think he means, but of course, he does.
“We are getting you laid,” he announces proudly, like he’s doing me a favor. Like I couldn’t walk up to any girl in this room and make her mine, if I wanted to.What the fuck am I saying? Cocky much? I can’t get anyone I want. I can’t get Summer.Saying I want to be single and actually playing the field are very different, and Luke doesn’t seem to get that. I’m actually enjoying the single life. It’s nice to only have to worry about myself for a change, with no
one to answer to.Or maybe it’s nice because it means more time to spend with Summer. Shit!
I seek out Summer again, without meaning to, and am once again hit with a scene I have no interest in witnessing. Only this time, I recognize her suitor.Their bodies are flush together, and her arms are around his neck, while his hands rest on her ass. The guy she’s with is pretty decent. We’ve always gotten along fine, but right now I have the strongest urge to break his nose.Fuck! Summer comes to one game, and I’m acting like she offered me a rose and it’s time to win her heart.What is this woman doing to me?
“Mother fucker.” I hear Luke curse behind me and turn to see what’s pissed him off, only to discover he’s glaring at me. He pulls me to the side, but then, not so quietly, says, “You’re not single because youwantto be. You’re just biding your time, hoping Summer will change her ways.”
He’s wrong. Right?I roll my eyes at him and take a sip of my water. “Summer and I are—”
“Friends. I know that’s the line you keep spinning, but we all know you want to fuck her.” I cringe at his words. “I hate to break it to you, man, but she ain’t changing for you. If she was going to, she would have done it by now.” I open my mouth to speak, but he cuts me off. “I feel ya; she’s hot and fun to be around. I get it. But look at all the other hot and fun chicks out there. Go grab yourself one of them for the night. ’Cause that one ain’t for you.”
I’m about to tell him he’s got it all wrong when he adds, “And fuck you for making me sound like a girl in a chick flick.”
I laugh, even though his words are far from script worthy.
“Luke, you don’t have to worry. I know exactly where I stand with Summer. Where we both stand.”Sadly, that’s the truth.
“Okay then, let’s get out there. That chick can’t take her eyes off you, and she’s looking mighty fine tonight.”
He’s right. The girl staring at me is stunning and definitely mine for the taking, but I’m still not interested. In her, or anyone else. So when a familiar face comes into view, a plan forms in my mind.
Luke notices at the same time I do. “Ah, man. Of course, Kylie is heading your way. I’ve changed my mind. Pine for Summer,” Luke grumbles to me before yelling to the room, “Stop throwing yourselves at him. He’s got a small c—”
“Shut the fuck up,” I say, elbowing him in the ribs before he can finish his comment. “Jealous much?” I add as Kylie approaches, raising my beer with a smirk.
Simply put, Kylie is a ten—no, eleven. But there is nothing simple about her. She graduated last year with plans to attend Yale Law school but is putting her studies on hold for a year to become the face of some new celebrity makeup line. She’s smart and hot and knows what she wants. And she also knows exactly whatIwant, or rather what I don’t. That’s why I let this play out.
“They say it’s not about size but how you use it,” Kylie says, gesturing to my crotch, clearly bullshitting.
“You wouldn’t say that if you’d been with me,” Luke adds, mouthing the word “huge” and winking at Kylie before leaving us alone. Kylie laughs as I roll my eyes. I know how much he wants her, so this must be driving him crazy.
“Kylie Jenkins. How are you?” I greet her with a kiss on the cheek.
“Never better, Mathers. I’m glad I ran into you.” She calls me by my last name, something only the team does.
“Oh yeah, and why’s that?” I ask, knowing the answer before the words leave her mouth. She winks before she speaks.
“It’s late, and I’m flying to London tomorrow, so I’m about to head off…” She pauses before nodding toward the door. “Want to join me?”
I release a breath and smile. When I look back to where Summer was dancing, I notice she’s gone. Not even a goodbye. So yes, I want to join her. I’m officially done with this party. “Yes, I really do.”
“Meet you out front in ten?”