“Here I am.” I return it.
The game is intense, and thankfully Dylan seems in top form. At least, I assume he’s playing his best, because he’s prettyfreakingimpressive. I hold my breath as I watch the quarterback release the ball, sending it sailing in Dylan’s direction. He has two men on him and little chance of making the catch, but I’m still gripped by the action. The ball overshoots its mark, passing over the heads of the pack. There’s a collective sigh among the crowd, until at the last second, Dylan’s arm shoots out backwards, catching the ball with one hand. The other players are too stunned to react quickly enough, as he breaks away and makes a run for the end zone, slamming the ball down over the line.
I scream and jump to my feet to cheer him on, my heart racing when he throws his hand up in celebration and turns my way.Our way, Summer, our way.He rips off his helmet and pumps his fist in the air, in a “this is for you” gesture. I return the gesture, no longer caring if it’s aimed at me or someone else. The adrenaline coursing through my veins is dictating my every move. The roar of the crowd is deafening and they’re all yelling the same thing… Mathers! Mathers!Dylan Mathers.His name runs on repeat through my mind as the celebrations die down. If I thought he was attractivebefore, it’s nothing compared to now. Seeing him play is really messing with my mind. There’s something to be said about witnessing someone in their element. Day to day, Dylan’s not a shy person; he has confidence, but he doesn’t really project it on others. On the field, he’s a completely different person. He’s cocky and in control. Muscles that I never noticed flex with every catch, every sprint, every jump. And the way his body moves, uhh, it’s…it’s something else.
I’m tracking his every move, unable to take my eyes off him, when a throat clears beside me.
“I said, did you want a bite?”
My eyes flash to Cory’s.What is she talking about? I don’t…She waves a Twizzler in my face.Oh!That is notwhere my mind went with her question, and by the look on her face, she knows it. I grab the deliciously red goodness from her hand and take an over-the-top bite, pulling at it, with my teeth bared.
Cory laughs. “Bet he tastes better,” she says with grin.
“What?” I ask, pretending I don’t know what she’s talking about. My body heats with embarrassment, and I know if I look in the mirror, I’ll see a pinkish tinge on my face and chest.
“Nah, he’s too chewy,” Joel adds beside me, and I burst out laughing. He remains focused on the game and I’m thankful for his distraction until I turn in time to see the smirk on his face. Ugh!
At halftime, I rush off for a much-needed bathroom break. Cory received a phone call and disappeared not long after my drool session, so I’m on my own. I’m on my way back, shaking water from my hands, when I hear my name.
I scan the crowd, a little on edge, until my eyes meet with the warm gaze of Cory’s dad, Rob. Every part of me relaxes as I walk toward this wonderful man, who’s like a father figure to me.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he says, engulfing me in a welcome hug. It’s been a little while since I’ve seen him, so I grip tight and enjoy the feeling of a parent’s love, even if he’s notmyparent.
“What are you doing here?” I ask when I finally release him. “It’s so good to see you.”
“It’s good to see you too, kiddo. I came to check out if Nate’s football skills live up to Cory’s constant gushing,” he says, and I know he’s only half joking. “I’m actually glad I ran into you. You can fill me in on all the gossip.” He chuckles at his use of the term gossip. It’s not a word that I’d usually hear coming out of his mouth.
“If you are referring to Nate, I can put your mind at ease, right now. He’s wonderful and treats Cory well. You know I wouldn’t let just any guy date our girl?”
“That I do.” He smiles. “It really is good to see you, Summer. It’s been too long since you’ve been home.”
Home. It always catches me off guard when Cory’s family refer to their home as mine. I lived there for two years before college, so it makes sense, but I feel a pinch in my gut all the same. I’m in awe that a friend’s parents would take me in, provide food and shelter, and even love without questions. They blindly trusted me, and I will forever be grateful to them.
“And you know we’d call, but…”
I wince at the sadness on his face. He thinks he’s let me down, when in actuality, it’s the opposite. “You’ve always let me set the pace. I know. I’m sorry.Ishould have calledyou.”
Cory appears at my side, snacks in hand and a giddy smile still plastered on her face. Rob pulls her into an embrace, tucking her tightly under his arm. “No need for apologies, Sum. This one only calls me when she wants something.”
“Hey, that’s not true,” Cory says, shaking her head until Rob gives her a disbelieving look. “Okay, it’s a little true,” she adds sheepishly.
“How about Cory, Nate, and I come for dinner next week?” I say, the prospect actually exciting me. I really miss my unofficial adopted family.
“That would be lovely. I’ll have our playlist ready to go,” Rob says, referring to the nineties rock we bonded over. To say I was bitter when I first moved into Cory’s house, at sixteen, is an understatement. I was pretty convinced that all adults were assholes. Even the ones that had treated me well my entire life. Rob discovered my weakness for nineties hits and exploited it. We spent hours on the back deck, listening to Pearl Jam, Guns N’ Roses, and Metallica, to name a few. In the beginning, we sat silently, engrossed in the music. We then graduated to discussing the music and popular television series of the era. Eventually, I opened up and Rob became my confidant. I honestly don’t know what I’d do without him and Alison. Thankfully, I’ll never have to find out.
When I finally return to our seats, a girl I don’t recognize has taken my spot next to Joel. She’s giving him her full attention, and he looks more than comfortable in her presence.Hmmm, appears as though Joel’s getting lucky tonight.I sit down in Cory’s seat, wave at Joel, and wait for the glare that’s bound to come my way as soon as the girl notices me. Only it doesn’t come.
As soon as she’s aware of my presence, she turns around excitedly, her big smile beaming at me. “I’m so happy to meet you, Summer. Joel was just telling me about you,” she says, reaching over and squeezing my leg.
My eyes shoot to Joel’s, but he doesn’t even look apologetic for discussing me behind my back. In fact, he’s barely taken his eyes off the woman in front of me.Who is she?I’m about to ask just that when Joel introduces us.
“Summer, this is Delilah.”
Delilah! Finally, I can put a face to the name. Joel may have only shared crumbs when it comes to Delilah, but it’s easy to see, from the look on his face as he introduced us, that she holds his heart in her hands.
With her porcelain skin and deep red hair cascading in thick waves to the middle of her back, she’s absolutely stunning in an understated way. She has olive-green doe eyes that are hard to look away from and a sweet voice that makes her sound innocent and young, and yet something about her tells me she’s been through something tough.