“That’s the scary bit.” I pause, knowing that as soon as I say it out loud, it’s officially the start of the Kelly family rumor mill all over again. Cory waits patiently, but I see her gaze flit toward the door. Looks like not everyone has the same patience. I predict I have about thirty seconds before Dylan reaches me, so I rush out my words. “He asked if I stole from my family. Why would he say that? Do you think Thomas is saying that?”

“Let’s talk later.” Cory pats my arm and smiles just as Dylan steps in front of me, grabbing my shoulders in a comforting gesture.

“I tried. I really did. But Summer, I’ve never seen you so freaked out,” he says apologetically and then laughs shyly. “You know…in all the years I’ve known you.” He smiles and shrugs, obviously trying to cheer me up. I smile back because it actually works.

“Just an ex-boyfriend; nothing to worry about,” I say, expecting it to ease his mind.Boy, was I wrong.

“Who? What the fuck did he say?” he yells, looking between Cory and me. “Tell me his name. Is he harassing you?”

I flinch at my lie and his reaction. “Jesus, no, calm down. He was just reaching out,” I lie again, unconvincingly.

“Bullshit. You ran out of there in a panic. You—”

I cut him off before he can continue. “I wanted privacy. I wasn’t panicked.”

Dylan looks at Cory and me again. Cory shrugs and smiles, refusing to give anything away.

“If you say so. But you know I’m here for you? If you ever need me.”

It’s a statement and a question.Do I know that?There are few people in my life who are genuinely there for me, but the word yes springs into my mind. Despite our short,minutefriendship, I know he’s sincere. “Thanks, Dylan.” I smile. “Now where’s my dessert?”Conversation over.

For some stupid reason, the thought of our family’s business being exposed hadn’t even crossed my mind. Why didn’t I prepare myself for that, considering Thomas’s position on the Seattle football team? The thought of having to relive it now, to think about my family, makes my chest ache. To say it had shocked me when they hadn’t taken my side was an understatement. It devastated me. I cried for days, until I had nothing left. No tears, no family, no trust. I wish things could have been different. Thomas had been one of my best friends, my biggest supporter, before it all went down. Maybe I should have confronted him and Mom and asked them why? Instead, I ran away and never looked back, terrified that if Ihadasked them, there was a strong possibility I wouldn’t like the response. I mentally curse myself for letting this get to me again, but outwardly, my smile never wavers.

When we’ve finished eating, Dylan insists on walking me to class. You know, in case my big bad ex-boyfriend gets me. I feel a little bad considering I’ve never had a boyfriend to have an ex.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” he asks when we reach the building my class is in.

I smile at his protectiveness. It’s kind of nice. There’s no doubt he’s a caring boyfriend. Gemma’s a lucky girl. “Positive; thank you for the escort,” I say, bumping my shoulder into his.

“Pinkie promise,” he says with a straight face.

I burst out laughing. “Are you six?”

His mouth drops into a pout. “It’s our thing. How could you forget?”

I suppress my smile and school my features into the most serious expression I can muster. “You’re right. I’m sorry.” I hold out my pinkie, and he links it with his own. “Pinkie promise,” I say and then let my smile free.

Chapter Eleven


Istareatthepage, but the words blur together. I can’t focus. I massage my temples, but it doesn’t help. Two things are consuming my thoughts and both involve Summer. Okay, if I’m being honest, there are more than two things, but let’s start there. First, the look on her face when she received that call. Something was definitely wrong. And that ex-boyfriend crap. Did she actually think I’d buy that? Second, I’m wondering if I should have told her that I’m now single. I held off because something told me that everything would change again if she knew, and we only just got into a comfortable rhythm. Plus, we’rejustfriends so I have no reason to tell her, right? I may as well enjoy our friendship, as it is, for as long as I can. And since there’s no hope in hell I’m getting through this today, I’m going to start enjoying it now. Leaning back in my chair, I grab my phone and text the girl who’s invading my mind.

Me: Remember the night you made me drive two hours for ice cream, because the one near us was closed?

I throw the first serve in my new favorite sport—memory tennis with Summer.

Her reply comes within a couple of minutes.

Summer: As I recall it was YOU that needed ice cream. Your beloved football team hadn’t made the playoffs.

I laugh out loud before remembering where I am and cutting myself off. I notice a few glares directed my way and cringe.My bad. Before I can reply, three little dots appear on my phone.

She’s returning serve.

Summer: Do you remember when my dog knocked you off your bike, and you cried because you got a hole in your jeans?

Summer: P.S. What are you up to?