“I didn’t think this would be an issue for you. I thought you were better than that,” I snap and rush to put my clothes back on. “I never…never show this part of myself, but I thought…” I shake my head and start throwing his stuff around the room. “Dammit, where is my dress?”It can’t be far. Where did he throw it?

On a deep, and I meandeeplevel, I know I’m being stupid. Dylan hasn’t done anything wrong, but there’s too much hurt inside for me to process that right now.

“Summer, please stop. Please. That’s not what’s happening here.” He bends down to meet me and takes my face in my hands. “Please.” He begs with so much sincerity in his eyes that I can’t help but pause.

Dropping to the floor, I sit down and pull my knees up to my chest. We’re both quiet for a minute until I do the right thing and break the silence.“I’m sorry. I just…” I pause, unsure what to say or how much to reveal.

“You have nothing to apologize for,” Dylan says, dropping down beside me. “Something tells me you are not going to believe what I’m about to say, but Summer… You. Are. Beautiful. Every part of you is beautiful. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have frozen like that. I just…”

His words penetrate my mind like it’s the first time they’ve ever been said. I’ve been called beautiful. Dylan has even called me beautiful. In fact, I’ve had many compliments tossed my way, but there’s something different about those words now. It could be in the sincerity in his voice, or the look in his eyes. It could even be the way he paused after each word, making sure I understood their importance. Hell, it could have been all three. Whatever the reason, three simple words just ignited my already blazing heart.

“I definitely didn’t freeze because I’m no longer attracted to you,” he continues. “You’re…I mean I…God, I’m so attracted to you.”

He’s rambling and probably thinks he’s completely fucking this up, especially when I laugh. It’s a nervous giggle, but from the look on his face, it’s what he needed to hear.His words are whatIneeded to hear.

Dylan takes a deep breath and reaches forward to link our pinkies together like he’s making me a promise. “Summer, I really like you. I want us to be together. I’ve never…This feels different. I don’t know how to describe it, but I know what I feel. There’s nothing you could say or do orshowme that could change that right now.”

His inclusion of the words “right now” make all the difference. He once promised to never lie to me, and that’s his way of showing me that he’s keeping that promise. He doesn’t know what the future holds, but right now…

Using our linked pinkies, I pull him closer and press a soft kiss to his cheek. “I…I like you too, and I…” I pause, not entirely sure what I want to say next. I like him. I want us to be together, but I need a moment. Dylan breathes a sigh of relief, obviously not expecting me to admit that, and then smiles. I’m about to ask him what we do next when his smile fades and is replaced with a look of apology.

“Before you continue, I have to ask…I’m sorry, but I have to know.” I brace myself for what I know is coming. “What happened?”

“A car accident,” I say without hesitation. It’s a lie, but the truth is something I’m not sure I’ll ever divulge. I know he’s not going to believe it, and I honestly don’t expect him to. But I need him to accept it as my answer. To see through my response and let it go.

He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “A car accident?” he asks, giving me the chance to change my answer, but I can’t. I’m not ready, and I certainly don’t have a backup plan in case the truth gets out.

I nod because I don’t want to lie to him again and then cover my face in my hands, ashamed of everything I’ve done until this point.

Dylan pulls my hands away, and I see the end of an angry frown before he changes his expression and leans down to look me in the eyes. “Please don’t hide. You never have to hide. Especially from me.” He rests his hand on my knee and gives me a gentle squeeze. “Why do you hide? I mean, people must know about the accident, so why…?” He trails off, shaking his head, and I know it’s because he’s realized thatifit was an accident, I probably wouldn’t hide it.

“Like your stuff with football and your dad, it’s just something I keep to myself. So please,pleasedon’t talk to anyone about it. Promise me you won’t,” I say, not even trying to hide my panic.

Dylan flashes me a disbelieving look. “Do you really think I’d do that?”

I grimace at the hurt in his voice. I don’t actually think he’d do that, but I can’t take the risk of not saying anything. I need to protect myself at all costs. “I’m sorry…”

Dylan pulls me into a hug without letting me say another word and kisses my hair. When he runs his hands up and down my back in comfort, I realize I’m still naked and pull away self-consciously. There’s another flash of anger on Dylan’s face before he transforms it to a soft smile.

“So, what now?” he asks, letting me make the first move, something I’m grateful for.What now? God, I wish I knew.

“I think I’m going to go home,” I say when I realize my head is too messed up to move forward right now. Dylan’s face drops until I add, “but can I see you tomorrow?”

The smile I get in return is everything I’ll need to get me through this mess. With that one tiny pull of the lips, I know he’s got my back, and he’ll always be there for me. I need tonight for me, so that I can give him my all. Tomorrow is a new day and a fresh start. Tomorrow I’ll put all my fears aside and be strong for us.

Rising to my knees, I place my hands on Dylan’s chest and press my lips to his. He smiles into the kiss and places his hands on my face, tenderly sucking my bottom lip before pulling back and looking deep into my eyes. “I…” My breath hitches as I wait for him to continue. “I’ll always be here. I need you to trust in that,” he finally finishes. I nod, though I can’t help but feel like something is off, and he sighs. “I’ll see you soon?”

I nod again. “Tomorrow.”

Dylan hands me my dress, the one that’s apparently been right in front of my eyes, and stands to get himself dressed.

When I’m decent, we kiss goodnight, and I leave, not even allowing him the chance to walk me out. I’m smiling, though, after tonight, and as I head to my car, I vow to myself that I’ll figure out a way to tell Dylan what’s going on. I’ll work through my hang-ups, and tomorrow I’ll be better.We’llbe better.

Chapter Thirty-Five


It’sjustaftertwoin the morning by the time I get to the Ball House. I didn’t stick around the house long after Summer left tonight. I had to get out of there. Most of the guys are drunk, or close to it, and since we’ve got a game on Saturday, only my teammates who live nearby are spending Thanksgiving with their families. I walk straight through to the kitchen needing a strong drink. The counter is littered with empty bottles and red cups, but I manage to find an unopened bottle of bourbon under the sink. Nate’s hiding spot.