Yes!That was easier than I thought. I wasn’t above begging.

“I’ll go to yoga instead. You are welcome to come to that.”

Uh, what?My triumphant smile fades. “Come again?”

“You can join me at yoga. I’m sure Cory will come too,” she says with a shrug, but I can see the smile she’s trying to hold back.

Yeah, that’s not happening. I mean, I’ve done yoga before; we sometimes do it during the off season, but I’m not good at it and don’t feel like embarrassing myself while trying to win Summer over. Her wicked smile makes me crack one of my own before I accept defeat and give her what she wants. “Fine, you are free to exercise alone.”

“Thank you for the permission,” she teases.

“You’re welcome.” I wink. “Oh, I forgot…can we have lunch for your birthday this weekend? I’ve got a present for you.”

Her smile drops instantly, but I’m not concerned about it. I know it’s because she’s worried that I’m reading too much into our relationship, but I’m not. It’s definitely a best friend gift, not something you give to the girl you’re sleeping with. If that’s what we’re doing.

I laugh off her concern and bop her on the nose. “It’s nothing big. No need to worry your pretty little face.”

“You think I’m pretty?” she jokes and bats her eyelashes.

“Incredibly beautiful, actually,” I reply as I bend down to pick up my jeans from the floor.

Summer doesn’t respond, but when I look back up at her, the gorgeous red hue is back gracing her skin, along with the smallest hint of a smile.

“It’s alright. We can talk about it later.” I finish dressing and make my way over to Summer. She seems to be waiting for me to leave before dressing, because she’s standing still, clothes in hand. I press a kiss to her forehead and head out the door to give her some space and grab my keys. “I’ll meet you in the kitchen.”

When she pops out a few minutes later, her face is void of emotion. “Cory’s almost here to pick me up.”Right, okay.So I’m not taking her home?

I inwardly flinch.That could have gone better.I pretend I’m calm as I watch her wave and walk away. She just needs time to adjust to us.

I call out just as she reaches the door and hope that I’m right. “See you soon, Summer.”

Famous. Last. Words.

Chapter Thirty-One


“So,hasSummerfilledyou in on Dylan?” Cory asks Logan, clearly trying to see if I’ve told him more than I’ve told her.I haven’t.

The mention of Dylan has my stomach in all kinds of knots. I feel guilty for the way I left things and for the fact I’ve been ghosting him since our non-date, but I also feel this spark whenever I hear his name. Waking up in his arms really messed with me. When he held my hand and walked me inside to “sleep,” I honestly thought nothing of it, until he kissed my temple and pulled me in close, wrapping his arms around me. It suddenly occurred to me that I’d only ever done that with one person. Dylan. So not only did I break my never-see-a-guy-twice rule, but I also spent the night…twice. Sure, I sleep next to Logan regularly, but we donotcuddle,at all.

Logan looks at me and winks, and I swear he knows exactly what I’m thinking. Hell, they probably both do. He gives Cory a knowing look. “I’ve barely heard a thing about Dylan, so I’m going to assume there is more to the story,” he says, and I laugh.

“She’s keeping things quiet, but I see what’s going on,” Cory adds, like I’m not even in the room.Oh, this I’ve got to hear.

“What’s going on, Cory? Perhaps you can enlighten me,” I ask, leaning back on the counter and raising an eyebrow. We’re hovering in the kitchen, waiting for Nate to pick Cory up. I’ve been noticing lately that something might be up with those two. I wish she’d tell me what’s going on, but instead the topic of conversation remains on me.Logan’s here visiting for my birthday tomorrow and staying for Thanksgiving. The three of us spent the day having a quiet catch-up, something we haven’t done in years, but still, Cory remained locked tight when it came to her love life.

Looking at Cory expectantly, I wait for her reply.

“You both want each other,” she says with a challenge in her expression. “But you’re too scared to move past whatever you’ve got going on. Dylan, because he’s nervous you’ll run, and you because you’reyou.”

Logan tries unsuccessfully to disguise a laugh under a cough while Cory just smiles smugly.I don’t bother correcting her to say that Dylan’s actually always made it clear that he wants more; this is a less is more situation.

“Or…we are both happy as friends because neither of us see a future?” I add, lying through my teeth.

“Nope, that’s not it,” Cory says matter-of-factly, and this time Logan doesn’t bother to hide his laughter.

“Aren’t you supposed to be leaving?” I sass with my best fake smile.