“Thank you; flattery will get you everywhere,” I joke, “and I’m here to support a friend.” I wave my beer in Cory’s direction through the window as they walk toward the gardens.

“You’re Cory’s friend?” he asks.

“That’s me.” I smile. “Do you know Cory?”

“We haven’t met, but Nate mentioned her when I saw him out front.”

Great, he’s connected to the football team. I can’t escape it.You’re at the Ball House!I remind myself.

“How do you two know each other? You’re not on the team, right?” Yep, I dropped that into the conversation just to be sure.

“Nah, they thought I was too good and didn’t want me to overshadow them, so, voted me out.”

And he’s funny.“Ah, that’s a shame. Bunch of pussies…all of ’em,” I deadpan.

Joel cracks up laughing. “A girl who doesn’t worship the football team. I love it,” he says and clinks my drink with his.

After talking for a few more minutes, we quickly fall into a comfortable banter, moving away from the bar to continue our chat. Joel’s funny and easygoing, so the conversation flows effortlessly. We’ve been talking for almost an hour when I notice his gaze momentarily drifts back to the bar a few times.

“Should I be offended that you keep looking toward the bar?”

He lets out a small laugh before answering. “Definitely not. Like you, I’m keeping an eye on my friend. He keeps getting himself into awkward situations.”

“What’s going on there?” I ask, genuinely confused.

“Women keep throwing themselves at him, one after another.” He rolls his eyes like this is a bad thing.

“How unfortunate for him.” My voice drips with sarcasm. I try getting a glimpse of his friend, but someone’s blocking my view. I can see the girl, though, and she’s gorgeous. Joel’s laughter brings my eyes back to his.

“I probably should have mentioned that he has a girlfriend.”

“Then why?”

“It doesn’t seem to matter to them; they still think they have a shot.”

“That must get annoying,” I say, not entirely convinced that his friend isn’t actually loving the attention.

“I know.” He rolls his eyes again, clearly over it.

We both watch on in fascination as one girl leaves and the next instantly approaches. When she’s gone and another one moves in, I’vealsohad enough. I feel for both himandhis girlfriend.

“I’m going in,” I say confidently but not really sure how this will play out.

Joel throws his head back in laughter, before turning toward me. The second he sees that I’m serious, he pauses and then gives me an appreciative grin. “Good luck and be warned. Girls can be vicious.”

I scowl at him jokingly and then laugh. “You’re not wrong. But this needs to stop. Plus, I need a new drink.” I shrug and move in their direction.

The man’s back is to me so I maneuver around him and put my hands on his chest, my back to the woman trying to claim him, like I don’t even register her existence.

“Geez, what’s taking so long?” I ask as my gaze travels from where my hands are positioned on rock-hard pecs, up along the tight-fitted shirt until I reach a strong, incredibly sexy jawline complete with a five o’clock shadow. Raising my eyes higher, I pass tempting lips that shine as though they’ve just had a tongue pass over them.

I want to linger there for a while but stop myself, instead moving up to a pair of piercing crystal-blue eyes. Eyes that are sparkling with amusement and intrigue. When our gaze connects, recognition hits us both in an instant, and I feel an undeniable warmth spread through me.Dylan.I hold back a wistful sigh.This is a welcome surprise.

I vaguely hear the woman bark from behind me, breaking the spell. “Excuse me, we were talking.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, but Dylan’s mine tonight, and he promised me he’d be straight back with my drink. I don’t like to be kept waiting.” I smile innocently and take the drink that’s in Dylan’s hand, glad that it’s a beer I like. I’m in this now. All I have to do is pretend I’m his hookup for the night, and when all is well, I’ll be on my way.

“You’re not Gemma!” the woman accuses, and I almost spit out the sip I just took.