I race forward and grab Cory by the shoulders, looking her dead in the eye. “Stop. It’s not an excuse. You’re a catch. A major babe. But that aside, you may not have noticed because you were in the moment, but I saw the way he looked at you. Hewantsyou.”

She sighs, and her shoulders relax a little, but I can tell she’s not entirely convinced. “I promise,” I add, giving her a reassuring smile.

“Okay, okay,” she says and pulls me into a hug. “Thank you. I love you.”

“I love you too. Now, what are we going to do to pass the time?”

We chat outside for a bit longer until Cory decides it might look like she’s desperately waiting for Nate if we’re here when he gets back.

Cory still looks nervous as we reenter the house, but she shouldn’t be. She looks amazing in an olive-green romper that perfectly complements her skin tone and copper-brown hair. Any boy would be crazy not to love her. She’s cute as a button and can totally rock a pair of ridiculously high stilettos with her height. Lucky for me, I’m taller with long legs so I can get away with flats.

Today I’ve paired white Keds with a tight black miniskirt and a loosely fitted pink silk tank tucked in. Cory’s long hair is styled into an intricate braid that hangs down over her left shoulder, while my blonde locks hang loose in curls that I quickly put together after napping instead of getting ready for our night out, otherwise known as the “didn’t get time to style” look.Ah, who am I kidding? I had time but chose not to do anything. And I still look pretty good.

The house feels more packed than it did when I was here fifteen minutes ago, and I have to stop myself from turning around and walking back out again.I’m doing this for Cory. God, please tell me Nate’s on a short drive.

We’ve just found ourselves a quietish spot to wait when Cory’s whole demeanor changes and she smiles brightly. She’s looking at her phone so it doesn’t take a genius to realize why.

“Nate just texted.”Yes!“He’s back and asked if I could meet him in the yard.” Cory squeals quietly, and I can’t help but laugh.“Will you come with me?”

She grabs my hand without waiting for a response, and we push through the crowd, looking for the exit. When we near the back door, she hesitates again. Giving her a reassuring smile, I walk ahead and lead her outside. It takes all of two seconds to spot Nate, and his eyes are already on us.Yeah, he wants her.I pull her toward him, and he breaks away from his friends to join us. He acknowledges me with a smile before his eyes move to Cory’s. Cory waves and bounces on her toes as Nate’s responding smile tells me everything I need to know. He’s already smitten. It’s like watching kids with their first crush. Neither of them speaks, so I do.

“Hi, I’m Summer. Nice to meet you, Nate.”

Nate’s gaze leaves Cory and meets mine. “Summer, hi…hi. How are you?”

Aww, these two.“I’m great, but I need a drink. Point me in the kitchen’s direction?” I say, waving my hand back toward the house.

“Of course, want me to show you both—”

“Nah, Cory’s good for now. I’m a big girl.”

He lets out a quick laugh and tells me where to go before turning back to Cory, eyes drawn to hers, a small smile playing on his lips.

“Look after my girl,” I say to the side of his face.

“Always,” he replies, his eyes never returning to mine.

Surprised by how easily I believe him, I give Cory a quick hug and whisper, “I’m here if you need me, but this guy’s a good one.”

She smiles and waves as I depart.

I follow the directions Nate gave me and search for a familiar face. Any familiar face will do. I figure I’ve got at least an hour before Cory gives me the all-clear to leave, and I’d prefer some company.

When I reach the bar,yes, they have a bar, I immediately abandon my plans to seek familiarity and instead choose the stranger in front of me. It’s impossible not to. He’s leaning back on the bar as he faces the mass of bodies on the makeshift dance floor. With his elbows resting on the counter, he’s giving off an “I’m gorgeous and I know it” vibe, but I can’t fault him for that because he is.

He has dark brown, almost black eyes that match his equally dark brown buzz-cut hair. A style that I rarely go for, but with his short stylish beard, it’s really—and I meanreally— working for him. He’s tall, even for me, and he’s wearing a fitted black tee that shows off his arms, highlighting that he definitely frequents a gym. He’s very easy on the eyes. But the most intriguing thing about him is that he’s not on the football team. Trust me, I know them all. I order a beer and then mirror his stance, our elbows almost touching.

“Come here often?” I ease into conversation with the worst pickup line ever, hoping he’ll know it’s a joke. He turns to me with a smirk.

“I do, but I’ve never seen such beauty within these walls.”

“Wow, just wow,” I deadpan and shake my head before smiling.

“I know, and to think I came up with that on the spot.” He winks and then offers his hand. “I’m Joel.”


“What brings you here tonight, Summer? I may have been playing along with your corny pickup line, but I meant what I said, I’ve never seen you here before,andyou’re beautiful.”