“Mathers does it! He wins the game,” I yell and run around, holding Summer in the firefighter’s hold.

She slaps my ass like a drum, while trying to kick her legs. “Put me down, you dirty cheat,” she yells in between laughter.

My grip on her thighs tightens as I stop and readjust her position. “Nope, I think I’ll celebrate once more,” I say and take off running again, whipping Summer around as I do.

Her glorious laughter increases as she abandons her escape and joins me in celebration. “Woo hoo! Dylan Mathers, you rock!” She whistles through her fingers and then slaps my ass again.

When I finally stop, we’re both out of breath. Bending over, I carefully lower Summer down, resting her back on the grass, and then drop beside her. Tucking my hands under my head, I look at the stars and relish in the comfortable silence that ensues.

When my breathing returns to normal, I peer at Summer and am stunned by how peaceful she looks. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone so serenely beautiful. Her lashes brush against her cheekbones, and her lips are slightly parted, with the hint of a smile. She has one hand resting near her shoulder, while the other lays across her stomach. After a deep breath, her smile widens, and she opens her eyes, not yet noticing my attention. When she stifles a yawn, I take it as our cue to wrap up our night.

“Thanks for tonight, Sum. It means a lot,” I say, rising up on my elbows.

She mimics my position, and her eyes find mine. “Anytime,” she says, and I believe it.

Jumping to my feet, I grip her hand and pull her up, before collecting our things and heading to the car.

We pull up in my drive with the sun in the sky, and Summer sighs before shutting off the engine. “I had fun tonight. Can I walk you to your door?” she jokes, wiggling her eyebrows.

“I’m not going to sleep with you, Summer,” I deadpan and then laugh at her wide-eyed expression.

She recovers quickly and smiles. “I know that. You’re not the guy who has one-night stands; you’re a relationship guy.”

My eyebrows pull together in confusion as Summer shoots me a challenging look in return. Begging me to say otherwise, so she can prove me wrong. Why does everyone keep mentioning the relationship thing? Is it my defining feature? And why does it sound like a bad thing when she says it? Whenanybodysays it?

Summer eyes me curiously before reaching out and clasping my arm. “Hey, it’s not a negative thing. You’re lucky to have been in love so many times.”

In love?“Ah…”

“How many times have you said I love you, anyway?” she questions. She sounds so unaffected by that notion that it stings a little. “I’m not mocking you either; it’s a serious question.”

“Never,” I admit, completely shocking her.


Running a hand through my hair, I grip the back of my neck and grimace. “Never. I’ve never said that.”

She stares at me incredulously. “But you’ve felt it? I mean, surely you’ve felt it, at least once, in all your relationships.”

I cringe at how bad this conversation is making me look, but answer honestly. “I’ve never said it, because I’ve never felt it.”

“I don’t believe you.”

I shrug, because what can I really say to that? “No way I can prove it.”

“I guess not.”

“Whether or not it’s mything, it’s not working,” I say with another shrug before opening the door and jumping out of the car.“Goodnight, Summer.”

“Youwillfind that special someone. I know it. You’re a great guy, Dylan,” Summer calls out as I’m shutting the door. I acknowledge her comment with a wave and a smile, before walking away.

“And you’re by far the most special someone I know,” I whisper, only turning back when I hear Summer’s car pulling out of the drive.

Taking a deep breath, I shake off my thoughts and sigh.

Chapter Eighteen
