Summer: That’s fair. Worth it.

Dammit, why do I have practice? I really want to see her right now. But, then again, when do Inotwant to see her?

Me: I’ll need time to come up with the appropriate retribution. Practice starts soon, gotta get my head in the game.

Summer: I’ll be waiting. Don’t work too hard.

I’ll be waiting. That gives me more joy than it should. And as I arrive at the locker room, I have to force myself to wipe the smile from my face and focus.

Practice is once again brutal, but I make it through.

Before I can hit the showers, my name rings out above the chatter. “Mathers?” Coach yells.

“Yup, Coach.”

“My office when you’re clean. And, it’s yes, Coach.”

“Yes, Coach.” I smile and head toward our locker room. A quick shower, deodorant, and a change of clothes, and I’m out the door in record time. The sooner I see Coach, the sooner I can get to my hot date with the TV.

“What’s up, Coach?” I ask before leaping over the armrest and settling into the chair. He shakes his head at my casual behavior but doesn’t hide his smirk. We get along well. I’ve never been nervous when called into his office, and today’s no different. Relaxing back in the chair, I stop short of putting my feet up on the desk and smile.

“We’ve got a big game coming up after the opener, and I’ve just been told we’ll be hosting a few scouts.”

“Nice! The boys will be pretty happy about that. Most anyway. Any ideas who they’re here to see?” I ask, knowing instantly why he wanted to see me. I may not be the captain, but I know every one of my teammates like the back of my hand. He knows I can tell him who’d benefit from this information in advance and who’d play better without the pressure. I have a rough idea in my mind of who they’d want to see. Edwards, Jones, Davis, Hamilton…

“You.”Okay, that was not on my list.

“For real?” I ask. I haven’t expressed any interest in the draft or going pro. In fact, I’ve done the opposite, so this is unexpected.

“For real.” He smirks again, and I’m about to respond when he goes off on a spiel. “Before you say anything. You’ve been a huge asset to this team. You’re an outstanding leader and an even better player. You know I’d play you at quarterback if you’d let me. With Kelly gone, we could sure use you. But I’m respecting your wishes. In that case, anyway. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that you’re a phenomenal receiver. Point is, I’m not letting you miss an opportunity you might regret in the future. I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather recommend to any NFL teams.”

I can’t hear anymore. The guilt is already too much. My hand rubs over my face in an attempt to hide my anguish. “Ah, thanks, Coach. I appreciate that, but—”

“No buts yet. They’re coming to the game to watch, not propose marriage. You don’t need to declare anything at this stage. Assuming that’s what you were about to say.”

It was. That’s exactly what I was about to say. While I love everything about the game, I’ve made peace with my decision not to play professionally. I couldn’t,wouldn’t, let this moment change that. “I don’t want them to waste their time—”

Coach raises his hand to silence me. “I know you’ve always kept your head down when talk of an NFL career occurs, and I am not here to change your mind, but I think you should keep your options open. At least until the deadline has passed.”

“Okay, Coach. Thank you,” I say, standing from my chair.

“Oh, and Dylan, they want to see Bennett too. I’ll leave it up to you to decide whether you tell him or not. That guy’s head is big enough already.”

Luke Bennett. I know the answer to that straightaway. “Sorry, Coach, did you say something?” I joke.

“Nothing at all,” he replies with a knowing grin.

I can’t help but laugh as I move toward the door. I’m about to leave when Coach calls me back.

“Just think about it, Dylan. For you, I mean.”

I pause for a second. “I will, thanks.” Really, what else was I going to say? Coach has always been good to me, always helped with extra training when I’d asked for it. He’s been a mentor. Telling him I don’t see football in my future would be a slap in his face. He lives and breathes football. The least I can do is appear to be considering it until the very last second. I don’t want to disappoint him, but I decided long ago that I wouldn’t follow the path of my father. He was,still is, the greatest man I’ve ever known, but football kept him away from us. I want a family one day, and I want that family to be my number one priority.

Pushing open the door to the parking lot, Summer’s face comes to mind. Not because I was thinking about family.We’re friends. She came to mind because I feel like I could talk to her about all this if I wanted to. She’s someone I believe will really stop and listen. Someone I actually want to share things with. She’s not like anyone I’ve ever met. On the outside she comes across as funny, easygoing, and confident, and she is all that, but underneath…I feel that she’s sometimes putting on a front, and I want to know everything about her.Need toknow everything about her. You know, as friends.God, who am I kidding?

Joel’s in the kitchen when I arrive home. He’s making a sandwich and has his book open on the counter next to a packet of sticky notes. Most people believe Joel to be the antithesis of a genius and yet that is exactly what he is. With his rugged good looks—yes, I can appreciate the male form—playboy ways, and chilled nature, people overlook that they are in the presence of a brilliant mind. I almost don’t want to interrupt,almost, but instead rap my knuckles against the counter to get his attention.

“What’s up?” he asks casually, without even looking at me.