She’s wasted on Nate. While he’s a great guy and my closest friend on the team, we all know he’s hung up on some girl in his class. I could warn her, but—

“See my friend standing over by the trophy cabinet?” she asks and looks away, presumably toward her friend. I nod, even though my eyes don’t leave her. When she turns back to me, her nose adorably scrunches up before she adds, “I know; she’s hot, right?”

Whatever she’s seen on my face must have given her the idea that I thought that, but my eyes have remained firmly in place, on her. I smile at the hint of annoyance in her tone and finally look at her friend. I agree, her friend is cute—beautiful even—but she has nothing on the girl in front of me. The girl I’ve realized is still holding my arm. I’m trying not to focus on the warmth of her touch, trying to pull my thoughts away from her, when her voice once again cuts through my mind.

“Anyway, she’s interested in Nate. Can you introduce them?”

What? Her friend?“Your friend is interested in Nate?” I repeat each word slowly to allow my brain to catch up.

“Yes.” She huffs, obviously annoyed at my questions.

So, shedoesn’twant him?“What about you?” I reply, not entirely sure what I’m asking, but it comes out of my mouth anyway.

“Me?” she questions. “No, I’m not interested in Nate. Just Cory,” she laughs and the sound runs right through me.

“Who the f… Who’s Cory?” I say, putting a stop to the unwelcome venom leaking into my voice. For some reason I need to know who Cory is. Is it her boyfriend? A crush?Why the hell do I sound jealous? Get a grip.

The girl lets out another laugh and points to her friend. “That’s Cory.”

Ah shit.“Okay…and why do you need me again?”And why do I sound like a jerk? Really, what is wrong with me?This entire conversation has me in knots, and I don’t understand why.

“I need you to introduce them, because I don’t know him.” She gives me attitude, like that’s an obvious answer. Which would make sense, except…

“You don’t know me either…”Yeah, take that.Finally, I’m holding my own.

“Correct. I don’t know you, but I wanted to…know you. Two birds, one stone.” She shrugs but smiles, and it lights up her entire face. Her insecurities are now buried deep, proving her to be even more dangerous. And I’m a goner. Absolutely screwed.

Gemma, Gemma, Gemma.I repeat her name so that I snap out of whatever the fuck is going on inside me.Shit, no wonder no one believes I’m not a player.I have never once thought about someone else while in a relationship, because that’s not me—before today, at least. I’m not that guy. I care about Gemma. I do.Gemma.Ignoring the war going on with my inner thoughts, I shake my head clear and introduce myself.

“I’m Dylan,” I say, offering my hand. She shakes it while tilting her head toward an approaching Nate, only then releasing my arm.

“So…” she says and raises her eyebrows in silent question. I turn and grab Nate, eager to get this over with so I can keep talking to her.

“Hey, man, I’ve got a girl I want you to meet,” I say, walking him over to Cory.

His eyes widen in surprise, but I don’t give him time to explain as I push him in her direction. They say their hellos and start a conversation while I turn back to the girl.

“Hey, I didn’t get your n—” My words fall flat when I see she’s walking away through the crowd.Damn.She doesn’t even look back. Shaking my head, I can’t help but release a twisted laugh as I glance back at Nate. It’s only then that I remember the name of the girl he’s been hung up on and smile…Cory.

I spot the mesmerizing girl again when I’m heading back to my friends, and I’m still staring when I reach them.

“Something caught your eye, Mathers?” Luke asks smugly.

“What? No. Ah, who is that?” I ask, knowing he’s busted me staring and fully aware that I sound like a dick.

“Dude, have you been living under a rock?” Luke laughs. “Wait, I can answer that. You’ve been living under, and on top of, a Jess rock, a Nicole rock, a Gemma—”

“I get it. So, who is she?”And why do I feel like I know her?

“What’s it matter?Youhave a girlfriend,” he teases.

Touché.“Just answer the question, asshole.”

“That’s Summer.”

Summer?I stare at him blankly.

“Sum-mer.” He says her name as two drawn-out syllables for extra emphasis.