“Dylan?Ah, so he’s the reason you’re single,” I joke, trying to suppress my sassy grin.

“Well, he is ‘hot,’ in your own words, but not my type.” He shrugs. “I was—”

I know what he means, so I cut him off. “Right, because your type is…” I pause, but don’t expect him to answer considering he hasn’t moved from his protective posture.

Joel sighs. “Her name is Delilah.”

I knew it!I mentally pump my fist, but now is definitely not the time to gloat. They are obviously not together considering Joel’s player status, but from his current pose and the tone of his voice, I’d say it’s not a happy story and not something he’s in the mood to share. Smiling, I offer him an escape. “So speaking of Dylan…”

He laughs and relaxes, immediately jumping into a story about Dylan from his childhood. There is so much love in his voice it’s not hard to see they really are the best of friends. When the time comes to part ways, we agree to make this a regular catch-up and say our goodbyes.

Could this be the start of a new friendship? I think it might be.

I smile at the thought until another face pops into my mind, bringing forth a frown. And as I head off to my next class, I try not to think of that face—the face of the boy we spent the past hour discussing, the boy with the penetrating blue eyes and the playful, sexy smile.

The cab comes to a stop in front of my building later that night, pulling me from my micro sleep. I pick up my shoes and pay the driver before making my way inside. The sight of Nate in the kitchen startles me, but I recover before he notices. He’s been like a third housemate lately, but this is the first time he’s stayed over. Looking at the time, I see it’s four thirty-six a.m. I sigh.Why do I do this to myself?

“Why are you up so late? Or early?” I ask accusingly, as though having Nate in my kitchen is a regular occurrence.

“Early,” he laughs. “I’ve got training this morning and have to eat before I train.”

“What time do you train?” I scoff. I would have thought the punishment wouldn’t start until at least six, but I could be wrong.Wait?“Isn’t today Saturday?” My brows crease in confusion.

He laughs. “It is. I’m meeting some of the guys at the field for a run at six,” he says.

“Committed. But again, why are you up so early?” I drag out the word “early” for emphasis. We live pretty close to the field, so I really can’t fathom why he’d be up and dressed voluntarily. He can walk there in fifteen minutes, and he has a car.

Nate rubs his shoulder nervously and then runs a hand quickly through his mousy brown hair. “Cory wants to”—he pauses in thought—“uh…cuddle? For a bit before I leave.”

My jaw drops in pretend shock to give him a hard time about sharing her secrets.

Nate’s eyes flick toward Cory’s door. “Um, sorry, ah…”

“I’m kidding. You kids have fun.” I wink, moving toward my room. It’s sweet that he’s up extra early to please her.

“Why are you up so late?” Nate calls behind me.

That’s a good question.Iwasonly supposed to be going out with that study group for celebratory drinks after our intense test. That led to dancing, which led to me in Jake’s bed. Or was it Jack?Not relevant. Instead of sharing all that information, I simplify it for Nate. “Because I’m an idiot.”

Nate’s eyebrows furrow in question, but he laughs instead of prying for information.

“And, luckily, as you confirmed, today is Saturday,” I add.

“Speaking of Saturday…” Nate starts.

Oh crap, I forgot to get back to Cory on that.“I’m sorry, I can’t.”

A spark of fight flashes across his eyes. I’m ready for him to lay into me, but he doesn’t. “Ah, okay. Sure. I’ll break the news to Cory, I guess,” he says, his voice somewhat subdued.

Ugh, I’d prefer anger.“I know. I’m sorry.” I sigh.

His features soften, and he offers a small smile. “She just wants to spend time with you. She misses you, which I know is my fault.”

“No, it’s not. At all. I’ve been busy.”And maybe avoiding them a little. Third wheels are not my thing.

Nate straightens up, his usual casual demeanor back in place. “Plus, I kind of want to get to know the girl that Cory can’t stop talking about. Even her mom raves about you,” he says with a genuine smile.

“You’ve met Alison and Rob?” I say excitedly, until the meaning of that hits me.Shit.That’s kind of a big deal and something I should know. I really need to spend time with Cory.