“Next time, I promise we’ll go to a hotel,” I say, trying not to sound disappointed.

“I’ll hold you to that. I better go, I’m about to get in the elevator.”

“Okay, bye, Gem.”

It’s a pity she’d prefer a hotel, because I definitely prefer our current plans.

I’m inside my room by the time I hang up the phone, and I drop my bags in the corner in slight frustration because until a few minutes ago, I’d say things were going well with Gemma and me, and I’d rather things not start going off the rails with the whole Summer mess. Usually, the only thing Gemma and I struggle with is conflicting schedules. If I’m not attending classes, studying, or at practice, she’s working, and when we finally catch a break, something always comes up. We’re definitely not as close as I thought we’d be by now, but we’re trying.

I’m still reflecting over our upcoming trip when Joel peers through the open door. “How’s Gem? She seemed a little flustered when I saw her earlier. You two good?” he asks, breaking into my thoughts as he wanders in and sinks into my swivel chair, putting his feet up on the desk.

I scoff, ignoring his question, and say, “So, you broke up with Summer?”

He looks momentarily confused until it hits him, and he laughs. “Well, shit.”

I can’t help but laugh too, even though the situation is anything but funny.

Joel grins. “I’m guessing you had to come clean about the whole thing?”

“You would think so, wouldn’t you?”

“You’re not serious? You haven’t spoken to Summer in weeks. It would have been a simple conversation.”

“I know. I know! But she’ll be mad that I lied.”

“And continuing to lie is better in the long run?”

“No. Maybe? I don’t know.” I run my hand down my face as I contemplate my next words. “In all honesty, I assumed it would all be over. We’d never see Summer, and it would all go away.” I wish I was lying because it actually makes me look really stupid, but I genuinely believed the issue had gone from our lives.But not your mind… Oh, shut up, brain.

“Something tells me that’s never going to happen.” Joel laughs. “Good luck with it,” he adds as he disappears out of my room.

“Yeah, thanks. You truly are the best friend,” I say sarcastically before lying back on my bed to contemplate the mess I’ve made.

“Isn’t that Summer’s title?” Joel yells with another quip from the hallway, and I don’t know whether to laugh or punch myself in the nuts.

“I can feel the jealousy from here!” I yell back, hearing Joel’s laughter fade as he walks away.Could this get any worse?Hmmm, it’s best I don’t answer that.

Chapter Six


Istrollacrosscampusin no mood to start this day. The sun is beaming down on me, warming my exposed skin, but there’s a cool breeze to counter it, making it optimal beach road trip weather. Unfortunately, it’s a Friday, so I have class.Ugh.You’d think I’d be used to it after four weeks of summer classes, but I’ve gotta say, I’m not loving it.

When I walk into the auditorium a couple of minutes late, I notice Joel sitting in the second to last row and freeze, doing a double take.Was he always in this class?I guess I don’t normally notice anyone in class, opting to focus on my studies, but I can’t exactly ignore Joel now I know he’s here. And it’s not like I want to anyway.

Heading over to his row, I drop into the seat next to him. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but how have I never noticed you here before?”

His eyes meet mine in surprise before a smile lights his face, and he opens his arms for a hug. “Honey, I’ve missed you,” he jokes. “And to be honest, I haven’t noticed you either. This is the only summer class I’m taking. I usually arrive late and… Having said that, I’m going to take your question as a compliment. Obviously, you’re saying that I’m worth noticing and that you’re surprised you haven’t noticed me.” He laughs.

“Obviously.” I laugh in return. “That’s why we’re together. And speaking of being together…” I start to question, curious about his late-night hookup.

“Yes?” he hedges.

I roll my eyes and continue. “A little birdie told me that you may have cheated on me after the Ball House party?”

Joel’s eyes shoot to mine, and he grins, “Which time?”

I bark out a laugh and then school my expression. “How many times have you cheated, Joel?” I ask sternly.