Page 4 of Big Baller



I’ve leftthe state before. We played quite a few out-of-state games when I was at Hilltown. The only difference…we’re taking a plane instead of a bus. I have no idea what to expect. I’ve never been on one before, but I’m too stubborn to ask any of the guys for pointers.

Since we don’t travel as a team, which I thought we did, we’re on our own. My only saving grace has been Jordan. He offered to book my flight with his so I can travel with him. Normally, his wife, Vanessa, would go with him, but has plans with her family.

Jordan has taken me under his wing, and I think his life goal is to keep me on the straight and narrow. He says he’s seen too many young players get in the game, want the finer things in life and lose it all because of wrong choices. I’m fine with that, as long as he knows I’m going to walk just outside the line. Yes, I want the finer things in life. Who doesn’t? I also want to have fun. I’m not married or tied down and should be able to do what I want for the most part. Well, as long as it’s legal.

My suitcase is open on my bed, and I have no idea what to pack. How do people travel like this all the time? It’s something I’ll have to get used to, but I’m at a loss for how it all works. We leave in the morning and if I don’t get this done, I’ll be standing here until then. Pulling out my phone, I google what to pack for a flight. I click on the first site that pops up, and glance over the list. There are so many things not allowed in carryon luggage. I don’t want to check my baggage and look like an idiot while figuring it out. I could text Jordan and ask him what I need to do, but I don’t want to come off as a complete newb. Even if that’s exactly what I am. A message flashes across my screen, and I breathe a sigh of relief. Maybe this is a list of everything we need. Just what I need, help without asking for it.

Jordan: I’ll be there to pick you up at 6 sharp.

Bentley: In the morning!?!

Jordan: Yes. We have to go through security and deal with our luggage.

Bentley: It can’t seriously take that long.

Jordan: Have you ever flown before?

Bentley: If I say no, will you make fun of me?

Jordan: Shut up. We’ve all had our first time on a plane. Some just happen to take place earlier than others.

Bentley: Ok, then no. And I don’t know what to pack in which bag. There are so many fucking rules.

Jordan: Here’s a list of the essentials. Be ready when I get there. And wear comfortable clothes.

What the hell? The list is detailed and even has small check boxes next to each item. I never realized how organized he is. His wife is probably the one that put it together. I’m not complaining, though. It’s a starting point and I need to get it done quickly so I can get some sleep tonight.

* * *

“Why are the seats so close together?” In the movies they always show them spread further apart. I mean, you at least had elbow room. I feel like a sardine in this tiny seat.

“Because, Bentley,” Jordan rolls his eyes at me as he puts his seatbelt on. “We’re sitting in coach.”

Wait, what? Coach? We’re basketball players for a professional team for crying out loud. We should be in first class. “Why aren’t we in first?”

“These young ones will never learn,” he mutters under his breath. “It’s not so bad, and it’s cheaper. One day you’ll appreciate my wisdom instead of worrying about pissing away your money.”

Little does he know, I’m fine with spending my money. I’ve never had much and is it so wrong for me to enjoy the finer things in life? “If you say so, Grandpa.”

“I’m barely a decade older than you.” He shakes his head and holds out a stick of gum. “I’m just trying to save you down the road. I’ve seen too many players spend all their money on useless things. One day you’ll find a girl to settle down with and start a family. You’re going to want money to support them.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” There’s no way I’m settling down….ever. A few of the other guys on the team boarded this flight, too. Us being in coach is a clear indicator of why they got to board before us. I wish I had more world experience. Feeling like an idiot because I’ve never done these things is annoying. “Why did you give me gum?”

“It helps first time fliers with their ears. They may pop when we take off and land. Chewing gum helps decrease the pressure.”

The pilot’s voice is scratchy over the intercom. “Good morning, travelers. We’re about to take off. Please look to the front as the flight attendants lead you through the safety precautions.”

A few attendants walk down the small aisle and disappear behind a curtain. They must be heading to first class. A blonde passes by me, and stands at the front of the cabin. Another follows behind her and stops right in front of me. She’s tall, and her long brown hair is pulled into a high ponytail. The uniform she’s wearing is simple, but it hugs her body in all the right places. She turns until she’s facing all of us and begins moving her arms as the speaker tells us where the masks are and how to put them on. Not exactly promising for my first time on a plane, but my eyes stay focused on her.

“Thank you,” the pilot's voice comes over the speakers again. “Please fasten your seatbelts and remain seated. The attendants will be around to get your drink orders as soon as we’re in the air.”

The brunette woman then walks to the back of the plane and the others follow her. The plane shakes as we ascend into the air. My fingers clench the armrests and I’m chewing the gum like it’s the last meal I’ll ever have. I’m not cut out for this. I wonder if I can drive to the rest of our out-of-town games. Or take a train. Anything is preferable to this.

Jordan reaches up and pats my shoulder. “It’s fine, Bentley. We’re almost leveled out and it’ll be smooth sailing from there.” I hope so because this is terrifying.