This isthe game that determines everything. The one that will either have us going back home or heading to the championships. We’re lucky that it’s being played here in Austin. We’re on our own turf and I have the best three cheerleaders in the entire stadium.
Jolene met Mom and Gabby a couple weeks ago. They love her just as I predicted. Not because she’s overly sweet or anything, but because she doesn’t back down. Now I have two people that are constantly challenging every word I say. I’m okay with it, though. I love that Jolene and Gabby get along. It’s also scary how much alike they are and I never realized it until they were in the same room. I’m not sure what that says about me.
I glance over my shoulder and spot the both of them a few rows up from the bench. Both of them are wearing Rattler jerseys. Jolene has the one I bought her when we first started dating and my sister has Jordan’s jersey. I think she does it to get under my skin. She has one of mine but refuses to wear it. So much for sibling solidarity. Mom is up in the box with Vanessa because she doesn’t like how crazy the fans can get sometimes. And because Vanessa is amazing, she is sitting up there with her.
Coach is rotating another batch of players. He isn’t happy that I missed one of the games and made me sit a couple out as punishment. But he knows we need players on the court for this one. It’s the last playoff game, and he doesn’t want any of us getting over-tired.
The people filling the seats are going wild. Noisemakers accompany their shouts as they cheer us on. There’s five minutes left in the game, and we’ve been basket for basket throughout most of it. We’ll get ahead for a bit and then fall behind. Both of our teams want this more than anything.
I watch my teammates go from goal to goal. Making shots and defending the basket. All of us on the bench in suspense with every steal. I want this game to go on for a while. While I don’t enjoy the stress it brings on, it means more time with Jolene here in Austin. She’s still flying, but Gabby is helping her look for jobs at travel agencies here. I hope they find something soon because I miss falling asleep with her in my arms. I miss her being the first thing I see when I open my eyes in the morning. I could easily take care of her until she finds another job, but she refuses to let me. She’s so damn stubborn, but I wouldn’t have her any other way.
“Bentley,” Ross elbows me in the side. “Coach is calling for you.”
There’s less than a minute left in the game and he chooses now to put me in? I’m not complaining. I’m lucky to be playing at all. I jump out of my chair and hurry to Coach.
“We need you to go out there right now and keep the ball away from them as much as possible. If it ties, make sure you’re the last one with the ball and you hit a three. We’re counting on you, Kid.”
I hate when he calls me that. I’m not that much younger than most of the guys on the team. “Got it.” I go to the score table to check in. In the time it took for Coach to talk to me, the clock has dwindled down to ten seconds. It’s not a bad thing. The last minute of the game can take a good twenty minutes. I will do my best to shut that shit down. We don’t need overtime tonight. We need a solid victory.
The ref calls me in and Jordan passes by me on the way to the sideline. “Show ‘em what you’re made of. It’s your time to shine.”
I nod and take my position. The whistle blows and the other team throws the ball in. The point fakes me and goes in for a layup. We’re tied and there’s five seconds left of the game. James grabs the ball and throws it to me. My eyes are focused on the timer. I need it to get down to less than a second before I make the shot.
The rest of my teammates block anyone that gets close to me. I pass the half-court line and work my way down the court until I’m deep in the three-point zone. The clock gets to one second and I dribble the ball, line my shot up, and release the ball.
One of the players on the opposing team tries to block it but jumps too soon. His hand an inch past the trajectory of the shot. The ball swooshes through the net as the buzzer goes off. Holy shit. We did it.
“Ladies and Gentleman, the Austin Rattlers are going to the championship.” The announcer yells over the speakers and the crowd goes insane. This is what we’ve been working toward. We still have to prove ourselves in the last seven games, but for now, we’ll bask in the glory of being division champions.
My teammates rush off the bench and huddle around me. “We’re going to the finals, baby,” Ross hollers over everyone.
After a few minutes of celebration, I turn my attention to the stand. To the woman who unknowingly has been a part of this journey. Who gave me the added confidence I needed. She’s on her feet clapping and yelling with my sister.
Making my way through my teammates, I march to the stands. It’s almost exactly what happened a few months ago. She rushes down the remaining steps and flies into my arms. This time, we don’t care who catches the moment on camera or what anyone has to say about it. “You did it,” she screams to be heard over the fans still celebrating our win. She plants her lips on mine and clings to me. “Let’s go home. I have a victory gift for you,” she winks before sliding out of my grasp.
That’s what she is to me. Home. She’s my safe space and I’m the same for her. I didn’t trust anyone, and she didn’t trust men in general. But we healed each other in the best way possible. I can’t wait to see what prize she has for me.