Page 56 of Big Baller

Before the last passenger is even all the way out the door, I turn to the attendant’s station and grab the cleaning supplies. It’s time to get this show on the road so I can get out of here. I’m eager to see my guy, and that’s not going to happen until this thing is clean.

Heading toward the front of the plane, Lana stops me. “I’ve got this. You get out of here. I know you’ve already missed most of the game, but if you leave now, maybe you’ll get to see him afterward.”

“Are you sure?” She doesn’t need to take on my work because I have a boyfriend. “I don’t want you to bear all the responsibility of getting this done.”

“I’m sure,” she grins. “You being happy is the most important thing right now and cleaning up after all these people will not do that. Now, get out of here.”

I throw the cleaning supplies on the nearest seat and wrap my arms around her. “You are seriously the best. I owe you big time.”

“Yes, you do, and I’ll cash the favor in when you least expect it.” She disentangles herself from me and pushes me toward the door. “Go before I change my mind.”

Without another word, I grab my suitcase from the compartment and dash through the air bridge. Looking at my watch, I see how much time I might have. Good. Enough time to change before I grab a cab. I don’t want to show up in my uniform. I’m sweaty after being surrounded by so many people in an enclosed space. I rush into the closest bathroom and change. Sadly, I can’t do anything about my hair. It’ll just have to stay up until we get to his place. We aren’t supposed to go to his mom’s until tomorrow for lunch, and it’s a relief I don’t have to worry about my appearance too much right now. He’s used to seeing me like this.

I hurry by people coming and going through the airport until I’m in the pickup area. Luckily, there’s a cab waiting there, and it doesn’t look like there’s anyone waiting for it. I tap on the window and he waves for me to get in. I don’t bother putting my suitcase in the trunk. That takes too much time and unfortunately, it’s not something I have a lot of if I want to get to the stadium before he leaves.

Sliding the suitcase in before I sit down on the seat, I call out to the driver. “I need to get to the stadium.”

He looks over his shoulder at me, “the game is almost over. Are you sure you don’t want to go anywhere else?”

“Yes,” I nod even though it’s dark and I’m not sure he can see it. “I need to go wherever the players leave from.”

“Ah,” he shakes his head. “I’ll get you there as soon as I can.”

I’m not sure what his head shake was about, but I have a feeling it’s not anything good. Oh well, I can’t think about that. I grab my phone out of my back pocket and search for the game. Trying to see how much longer I have. There are two minutes left in the last quarter and the Rattlers are up by ten points. By the time I get there, he should be walking out.

Headlights and taillights flash by as we make our way to the stadium. Traffic isn’t as heavy as I figured it would be, but I’m counting my blessings. The driver pulls around the back of the building and waits in a lengthy line of yellow cars. “We’re here.”

“Can I wait in here with you until they walk out? I don’t know the area very well and don’t want to wait out here alone.”

“There are people standing around everywhere.” He motions to the small groups of what I assume are fans milling around the exit. When he sees that I’m not going to budge, he sighs. “Yes, you can wait in here. But the time is still running.”

“That’s fine with me.” I stare out the window, waiting for some sign of the players leaving. After a few minutes, they file out one by one, some of them in pairs. Even when getting bombarded by fans wanting signatures, they smile and sign whatever is handed to them. Some even taking pictures.

I see Bentley’s silhouette as he walks out, and I open the car door. My heart speeds up at the sight of him. I thought this feeling would go away after two dates but hear it is, yet again.

He hasn’t seen me yet and I step out of the car, ready to rush toward him. Except a woman comes out behind him and wraps herself around him. I stop in my tracks. What the fuck? A part of me wants to call out and get this crazy lady off of him, but the other part…that part wants to see what he’s going to do.

Bentley stops as well. I can’t tell if it’s out of surprise or familiarity. I try to get a closer look without catching his attention. The woman has long blonde hair, and she turns just enough that the light shines down on her. Holy. Shit. That’s the woman I saw taking photos at the restaurant. And I’m pretty sure it was the woman interviewing him after the game I went to. Why in the hell is she hanging all over Bentley?

I take a step forward and the movement catches his eye. They widen at the sight of me, but he still hasn’t pushed her off of him. My heart sinks with every second he doesn’t do something. He could take a step toward me and that would be enough. He hasn’t though, and I don’t want to stand around waiting for him to react.

I turn around and get back in the cab. Tears threaten to roll down my cheeks, but I push them back as much as I can. “Can you take me back to the airport?”

“We just left there,” he argues.

“Please,” my voice cracks despite trying to keep myself together.

He must hear the desperation in my voice because he pulls into traffic and we’re heading back. I pull up the list of flights, looking for one that has seats available and can get me out of here as fast as possible. I don’t even care where it goes, as long as it’s far away from Bentley.

This is why I didn’t want to get involved with him. I thought I could handle the attention he gets, but if he’s not going to make it clear that he’s taken, and act like it, then I don’t know that I can be with him. It’s Carter all over again. The only difference is, I let my guard down completely this time. The realization breaks me and I let the first of what I’m sure are many tears roll down my cheek.



“Jolene,”I yell, too late to do any good. The cab she got in is already speeding off down the road. Shit. Shit. Shit. This is not good. My brain finally gets over the shock, and I pull away from Savannah. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

She snorts. “Don’t tell me you don’t feel the chemistry between us.” She smiles and takes a step toward me.