Page 55 of Big Baller

“I guess you found a job?” That pulls some of the excitement down. I hate that she thinks I’m abandoning her, but I have to do what’s best for me.

“Not yet,” I sigh. “I haven’t even started researching anything. They have us on so many back-to-back flights, I can barely think straight.”

“I’ll support you no matter what.” She grabs my arms and pulls me up from the bed. “Now, let’s finish getting ready. We’ll have to leave soon.”

* * *

The phone rings and rings. Crap. Is he already at the stadium? I didn’t think he had to be there for a few more hours. Just before I think it will roll over to voicemail, he answers. “Whew, I almost missed your call. Are you already on the plane?”

“Not yet,” I sigh. “Lana and I are on the way, but there’s traffic everywhere. I have no clue what’s going on, but they need to get out of the way. We’ll get in trouble if we’re late again.” I give Lana some major side-eye. She’s the reason we’re always pushing our limits. One day I’ll be smart and ride on my own. I’ll miss these days, though. Not flying with my best friend, or seeing her, all the time will be weird.

“That sucks,” he laments. “Hopefully whatever is causing the jam clears up soon. I’m excited to see you, and so are Mom and Gabby.”

Nerves creep up all over again. Meeting his family is a big deal, and even though I’m trying to push my fears down, it’s hard. Lana’s pep talks can only do so much. It’s up to me to dispel them completely. “Yeah, I’m excited too.”

“You don’t have to lie. There’s nothing to worry about, though. They are going to love you.” He sounds so confident about it. “I have to get going soon. I have your tickets waiting for you at will call.”

“Tickets?” Who else is he expecting to come?”

“I had an extra one put with yours in case Lana came to the game as well.” It’s so sweet that he’s willing to include my best friend. “And if she can’t make it, there’s no harm done.”

“Thanks, Bentley. It means a lot.” So many people dismiss those I find valuable in my life, but he doesn’t. He’s willing to include Lana as much as he can. “I’ll see you in a couple of hours. You know, if this damn traffic jam goes away.”

“Anytime.” I can hear his grin through the phone. “I’ll be looking for you in the stands.”

“I’ll be there.” I hang up the phone and lean my head against the backseat of the cab. This thing is probably disgusting, but I don’t even have it in me to care. “Can I do this?”

“Look, babe,” she turns in the seat until she’s facing me. “I will not keep having this conversation with you. I love you, but you’re torturing yourself. What did I tell you before we left?”

“Don’t sweat the small stuff,” I answer, monotone.

“Exactly.” Her head bobs up and down. “Things will work out, and if they don’t, I’ll be right here.” She pauses, staring out the window, “but I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that.”

“I hope you’re right.” Being thrown to the side again is one of my worst fears. I never want to go through that again. Not that I can control it, but it’s why I’ve been so careful with my heart all this time. Until I met Bentley. He turned my entire world upside down and helped me realize I want something more. I want companionship.

Traffic finally clears up, and we’ve made it to the airport with minutes to spare. This is way too damn close to the time we have to come in for our flight. One day Lana will get her shit together and we’ll leave on time.

We’re speed walking to the gate and notice the words delayed on the giant screen. You have got to be fucking kidding me. “This can’t be happening,” I grumble.

“It’ll be fine. I’ll find out how long the delay is.” Lana rushes to the information desk between the two gates and speaks hurriedly to the man standing there. He tries to get a word in, and I wish I could hear what he’s saying, but I’m too far away. Lana talks over him, and he backs up a step. I’ve never seen him before, so he must be new. He obviously doesn’t know the force of nature my best friend can be. Especially when it’s helping me.

Lana turns and stomps back to me. A scowl on her face. Anger is not her best look. “What’s the verdict?” I ask.

“You’re not going to like it,” she sighs. When I don’t say anything she continues, “it looks like we’ll have a minimum of a two-hour delay.”

My mouth drops open. Oh no, this can’t be happening. I’ll miss the entirety of Bentley’s game. And that’s if we stick to the two-hour delay. If the man upstairs is looking out for me at all, whatever is causing it will go away quickly. “I need to text Bentley to let him know.” That’s the only thing I can think to say, and I’m not sure he’ll get the message. He usually turns his phone off when he gets to the stadium on game days.

“It’s a storm in our flight path that’s causing it. I’ll check the weather app in that area and see what it looks like.”

“Thanks.” I pull out my phone, hoping this isn’t a bad omen, to shoot off a text to Bentley.

Jolene: Our flight is delayed, but I’ll be there as soon as I can.

Fingers crossed I can at least meet him at the stadium.

* * *

I glance at my watch as the passengers get off the plane. I’ve always been patient with people taking their time, but tonight…I need them to pick up their step and get out of here already. From what I can tell, the Rattlers should be in the third quarter. If these people hurry, I can get the plane cleaned up and grab a cab to get me there as soon as the game is over.