Page 52 of Big Baller

“And now you have a target painted on your back?” This is why I didn’t want to get involved. High profile means he’ll always be scrutinized. But the way he makes me feel is completely worth it. I can weather this with him.

“Basically,” he sighs. “But I’ll take care of it. Even if it means getting a restraining order of some sort.”

“That’s good to know.” Lana is waving her arms in the air and signals to the first passengers coming on board. “Look, I have to go. We’re boarding now. I’ll call you later.”

“Okay.” He pauses for a second, “I hope this doesn’t change your mind about us. You are the only person I want to be with.”

“I know.” And I do, but it doesn’t stop the fear of him throwing me aside because I’m what he wants for now. Either way, I won’t count us out just yet. “Bye, Bentley.”

“I’ll talk to you later, Jo.” He hangs up quickly, and I know it’s because he’s calling me by my nickname. He’s never called me that before, but it warms my heart that he feels comfortable using it with me. Especially since I was so adamantly against it when we went on that first date.

All I can do now is wait and see what happens. I’m falling for him more and more. While it’s terrifying, it’s not nearly as scary as losing him.



The line toboard the plane is crazy long. I’m antsy to be in the presence of the woman I love. Oh shit. Did I really just think that? I can’t be in love with her. Not yet anyway. It’s too soon. People don’t fall in love that quickly, and if they do…it’s destined to fail.

I can’t think about that right now, though. It’s been far too long since I’ve seen Jolene. Only being on the phone with her is so damn hard. I can’t touch her or wrap her in my arms. I can’t make her scream my name, or feel her nails down my back. It’s just not the same. Surely it has to be bugging her as much as it is me. The next group of passengers are called and they enter the short hallway between the building and the plane. Only a few more sections until they call mine.

I make it a point to be one of the last to board. It gives me a few moments with her before I have to take my seat. It’s funny. Before her, I was always in a rush to get whoever I took home with me out of the door. The sooner they were gone…the better. That’s how I know it’s different with Jolene. I want to prolong the time I have with her. I cherish the small moments and drag them out as long as possible.

Finally, I enter the air bridge, mere moments away from seeing her. Dragging my carryon luggage behind me, my steps are slow and measured. The passengers ahead of me pick up their pace, anxious to get decent seats, even though all the “good” ones are most likely taken. I’ve gotten used to taking whatever I can get as long as it means talking to Jo for a little bit longer.

She’s in my sights. Dark brown hair pulled into a ponytail and a warm smile to greet the passengers. I could never do her job. She has to be nice to people or she could get fired. All I have to do is play a good game. Before she has a chance to even say hello, I drop the handle of my suitcase and rush toward her. Pulling her into my arms, I swing her around, and smash my lips against hers. It’s overkill, but I give exactly two shits about that. It’s been too long since I’ve felt her skin against mine.

Catcalls and whistles echo throughout the cabin. She pulls away and hides her face against my chest. “I’m at work, Bentley.” She lifts her head up a bit and her cheeks are bright red. Damn, I didn’t mean to embarrass her. At the same time, I’m staking my claim to her and none of these single assholes better hit on her.

“Sorry,” I whisper against her hair. “Actually, I take that back. I’m not sorry. It’s been too long since I’ve held you in my arms.”

“You’re ridiculous,” she laughs. “Go find a seat before you delay the flight.”

“I’d be okay with that possibility,” I pull her closer to me.

“Yeah,” she snorts. “Until they take your ass off the flight. Then you wouldn’t get to see me at all.”

“You have a point.” I grab my suitcase and start down the aisle. “But be prepared to head straight to the hotel when we land.” An older lady sitting close to us gasps in shock. Please, like she didn’t also act like this with the person she loved.

Jolene doesn’t respond. She stares at me and points toward one of the empty seats. I wonder if this means she won’t give me a drink and snack once we take off. That kiss was totally worth getting put on the naughty list.

* * *

So much for heading straight to the hotel room. Coach called a meeting and we’ve been sitting here for over an hour. I’m not sure how many more times he thinks we can go over the plays. It’s all going to come down to executing them, and even that depends on how good the other team is. It could honestly go either way.

“Hey,” Ross leans toward me. “What are you doing after this? Want to go grab a drink?”

“Nah, I’m taking Jo to dinner. She’s waiting for me in the room.” I try to tune out Coach, but he keeps talking louder and louder. As if that’s going to do anything. We’re as ready for this game as we’re going to be.

“Yeah, dinner,” he winks at me. “I guess that’s what you’re calling it these days.”

“Jackass,” I mutter under my breath. “We’re actually going to dinner.”

“Guys,” Coach’s voice booms between us. Shit, I didn’t even realize he moved. “Are y’all done gossiping?”

“Sure. Are we done with this meeting?” Ross fires back. That’s something I would never in my wildest dreams do. Coach is an authority figure and deserves our respect. Not to mention I’m still the new guy. If I did that shit, I’d be benched for a week.

Coach shakes his head, exasperated, and points to the door. “Y’all get out of here. Go have fun,” he pauses and stares at a few of the players. “But not too much fun. We still have a game to win tomorrow.”