Page 50 of Big Baller

“Then it’ll be worth the wait to see how far this goes.” She glances at the watch on her wrist. I don’t understand why she still wears one when we have cell phones, but whatever. “It’s almost time for me to get to bed. Work comes early in the morning.”

“It wouldn’t have to if you and Mom would let me take care of things,” I grumble.

“And we’d be miserable if you did that.” She leans over to give me a hug before standing. “I’m sorry I’ve been so bitchy to you. It just killed me to see you going from girl to girl, and I assumed she would be just like the rest.”

“She’s not. In any way, shape, or form. She’s just Jolene.”

“Gross,” she groans. “I don’t know how much I like you being all romantic and stuff. It’s weird.” She grabs the chair she pulled over and takes it back to the porch. “Goodnight, baby bro. I can’t wait to meet her.”

I stay outside for a few more minutes, mulling over everything my sister said. She’s right, even if I hate to admit it. I can’t keep living in fear. I can’t give myself over to her completely until I let go of everything I feel about my dad.

It’s getting late, and I know Mom needs to get up early as well. I move the chair back and head inside. “Bye, Mom.” I bend down and kiss the top of her head. “I’ll see you next week.”

“Bye, Mijo,” she replies. She’s called me that since I was a little boy. The only time it’s changed is when I’ve pissed her off. “I love you, and let me know when you get home.”

I roll my eyes. It’s not that far away, but I know it’ll do a lot to settle her piece of mind. “I will, I love you too.”

I lock the front door behind me as I walk to my car. My hand is already in my pocket, digging out my phone. I press Jolene’s number and the phone rings and rings. Then it goes to voicemail. I try again. Voicemail. Maybe her and Lana went to dinner. Or, she’s in the shower or something. I fire off a text and get in the car. She can call me back if she feels like it, but I know she’s exhausted.

Bentley: I tried calling, but didn’t get an answer. Goodnight, Beautiful. I hope your flight tomorrow goes well. Call me when you can.

The drive home is silent. I don’t even have music playing. All that occupies my thoughts is where things will go with Jolene. And how I can convince her to stick by my side



The alarmon my phone jolts me awake. Add to that the hotel clock and there’s no going back to sleep. I don’t even know what city we’re in. The back to back flights have taken their toll on me.

I reach my hand over to turn both of the alarms off. It’s ridiculous I have to have so many alarms but I know myself. I’m also not relying on Lana to wake up. Peering over at her bed, she’s clearly still asleep. I could wake her up now. Or…I can use the time to take advantage of the shower and having first dibs. That seems like a better option. Lana has an issue with hogging all the hot water.

I tiptoe across the room to keep from disturbing my friend. The sentiment is almost fruitless because she did sleep through two alarms blaring. One day I aim to be like her. Or at least, go one night without weird dreams. I never had this problem before I started dating Bentley.

I turn the knob of the shower to hot and until steam fills the bathroom before adjusting the temperature. The dream from last night keeps mulling over in my mind. In it, I met a slew of girls who claimed to have been with Bentley before me. I remember breaking down into tears in the dream. But it seems as if the insecurities have followed me outside the subconscious. One day I won’t deal with these issues.

Stepping into the shower, I let the almost too hot water wash away the remains of the dream. I think a lot of it stems from not talking before bed last night. We’ve talked every night since we started dating. Or, at least, as close to bedtime as possible. Last night he must have forgotten. I reach for the shampoo, and squirt a dollop in my hand before lathering it in my hair. Or, he may have tried calling after I went to bed. I didn’t even think to check my phone when I woke up.

My eyes pop open at the realization and I’m seconds away from jumping out of the shower to check the phone in question. Except…shampoo drips into my eyes and they are on fucking fire. Shower revelations are always a pain in the ass. I rush to rinse the shampoo out of my hair and quickly wash my body. I should shave my legs since we typically wear skirts, but that’s not important right now. As soon as my body is suds free, I step out of the shower, grab a towel from the rack and wrap it around my body. My hair is dripping down my back, but I don’t care. I need to squash any fears I have about us.

He mentioned he was having dinner with his mom and sister. If they said anything, it could sway our relationship. Not that Bentley is someone who is easily swayed, but those two mean everything to him. If anyone could sway our budding relationship, it’s them.

I march to the nightstand, ignore Lana’s stirring body on her bed, and pick up my phone. I can’t keep denying that I don’t feel more for him, and this is that fear crawling out. I swipe the screen open and see a red bubble over the phone icon. It’s from Bentley. He didn’t leave a message, so I close the app and open the text messages.

My heart soars at the sight of his name. He must be waiting for me to call him back. I press his name, and the phone rings until the voicemail picks up. I hang up instead of leaving a message. Glancing at the time, I calculate the time difference. I’m on the east coast, so he’s probably at practice right now. I know they start pretty early. I’ll text him back instead.

Jolene: Sorry, I fell asleep last night. I get on a flight in a little over two hours. I’ll call you after I land if I don’t hear from you before. Have a great day, Hot Stuff.

Oh my gosh. I slide my hand down my face. Did I seriously just write that? This is a time that message recall would be great. Who the hell calls someone that? He’s going to laugh so hard when he sees it. My insecurities are calmed down. For now. It’s amazing what seeing him reach out does for me.

“Why are you half naked?” Lana grumbles from beneath her pillow. I think? “You better not have been sexting, or doing anything dirty, while you’re literally next to me. That would be a whole new level of weird for you.”

I grab a pillow from my bed and chuck it at her. “Don’t be disgusting. There’s no way in hell I’d be able to do that with you in the same room.”

“You’d be surprised what people do when they think others are asleep.” She pokes her head out enough to waggle her eyebrows at me.

A part of me wants to ask her what she’s seen, or heard. But nope. I don’t want to go down that rabbit hole, or hear all the sordid details. I'm sure she’ll have zero issues doling out. “Hush and get your ass in gear.” I grab the corner of her blanket on her bed, and begin pulling it off. “We have to head to the airport soon, and it takes you a long time to get ready.”

“You’re bossy,” she pouts. Relenting she gets out of bed and slowly makes her way to the bedroom. I mean, moving inch by inch as if she has all the time in the world.