Page 5 of Big Baller

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Note to self, never drink as much water as I have on this flight. I have to piss, but I don’t want to leave my seat. Jordan was right about the plane leveling out. It doesn’t mean I want to get up and wander around the plane trying to figure out the bathroom situation. Where does it all go when people flush? All I can imagine is it falling on some unsuspecting people. My body trembles at the thought. I’m honestly shocked my mind went to such a disgusting place. Nerves will do that to anyone, though.

My legs bounce up and down, trying to keep the urge to go to the restroom at bay. I’m sure I look ridiculous doing the equivalent of the potty dance while sitting down, but I really don’t want to get out of my seat. I eye the back of the plane, determining how far away the bathroom is from my seat. Son of a bitch, I’m not going to be able to hold it until we land. “Which one of those bathrooms is for dudes?” I nudge Jordan with my elbow.

He laughs and tries to cover it with his hand as if it’s not obvious that he’s laughing at me and not with me. “Both of them. They aren’t gender specific.”

“I won't like fall in or anything will I?”

The bark of laughter is too hard to cover up this time and heads turn toward us. Oh, for fuck’s sake. Next time I’m researching all of this beforehand. “Never mind. I’ll figure it out.”

I undo my seatbelt and stand, keeping my head slightly bent so I don’t hit it on the overhead compartments. These planes were not made for tall people. I’m certain this isn’t a struggle my fellow teammates on this flight are dealing with since they are in first class. Booking my own flight will be added to the list of things I need to learn how to do. Jordan is not allowed to do these things for me if he’s going to be a smart ass.

I’m so focused on my frustration that I’m not paying attention to what, or rather who, is in front of me until I slam right into her. The hot flight attendant from earlier. Unfortunately, she’s been helping the people on the other side of the aisle and someone else helped us. The tray in her hand tips forward and my hand shoots out to steady it for her. “I’m so sorry,” she says low enough that only I can hear.

“It’s all good,” I smile at her. “I wasn’t paying attention.” She’s even more beautiful up close, and I want to get to know her better. Even if it’s only for this plane ride. Though, she should be on other flights I take since she obviously works for the airline our team wants us to use.

“Sir,” she nods her head to the aisle. “Can you let me by? I have passengers to attend to.”

My cheeks flame, and I have no idea why I’m blushing. I don’t have a problem talking to women, but this one stops me in my tracks. “Yeah, sure. Sorry.” I turn to let her by, and the person behind me mutters “excuse you.” I shift my body until I’m back in the aisle and she’s walking away. “My name is Bentley, by the way.”

She doesn’t respond and shakes her head as she passes out drinks to the passengers. Damn. I’m on my first flight and I lose my cool. How does that even happen? Sighing, I turn back toward the bathrooms. I don’t miss Jordan’s snickers as I close the door behind me. That’s it. I’m never traveling with that jackass again.



The flight is almostover and Lana’s hip bumps into mine as we dispose of the last of the cups from the passengers. “That guy over there keeps staring at you.”

I don’t need to look up to see who it is. I’ve felt his eyes on me since he ran into me on the way to the restroom. “Please,” I scoff. “Do you realize how many guys check us out on each flight? It’s nothing new. They all have a fantasy for what they can’t have.”

“Oh, you mean one of us hot, young attendants with our backs against the wall in the restroom while they tick joining the ‘mile high club’ off their bucket list?”

“That would be it.” I can’t argue and say that it’s never happened. We just weren’t in the air, and it wasn’t a passenger. I will be happy when thoughts of Carter no longer haunt me. “It’s kind of sad, really. Do they not have anything else to look forward to when they get off the plane?”

Lana shrugs and goes about cleaning up the small refreshment area. She’s quiet for a few minutes as she wipes down the counter. Just when I think she’s done with the conversation, she adds. “If I’m not mistaken, he’s one of the basketball players on this flight. There were a few of them in first class, but I think I’ve seen the guy sitting next to him on the news for something or other.”

“Who cares if he plays sports? That means nothing. He’s just another one of those guys with an over-inflated ego and thinks women should line up to throw themselves at him.” I know one of those guys. I was with one of those guys. I can spot them a mile away thanks to a certain pilot.

“I’ll remember that.”

“Go ahead becausenothingis ever going to happen with him.” Dating passengers isn’t necessarily against the rules, but I don’t want to make a habit of hooking up with guys I’ll only see once every few months. That’s not a healthy relationship. Besides, I’ve sworn off relationships. There’s no way in hell anyone can get me to change my mind. Men only add stress and take up too much brain space.

The captain’s voice comes over the crackly speakers. “We are about ten minutes from our destination and we’ll soon begin our descent. Passengers, please return to your seats and fasten your belts. Thank you.”

A woman leaves the tiny restroom with a toddler in tow. She’s pulling him toward their seats, and the kid isn’t having it. He’s ready to be off this plane if his pout and red face are any indication. Bentley looks around him as he fastens his seatbelt. The man sitting next to him hands him something and he quickly puts it in his mouth. It must be gum. It appears this guy, whoever he is, has never flown before. Now his flustered state in the aisle earlier makes sense. Anyone would be off kilter if they’re experiencing something for the first time.

“You’re checking him out,” Lana whispers in my ear.

“No, I’m not.”

“Yes, you are.”

I’m not going to satisfy her with a reply. Just because my eyes landed on him while making sure all the passengers are doing what they are told, doesn’t mean anything. Whether or not she thinks so. I take a seat on one of the foldout chairs and buckle myself in. Usually I’m the one that stays out to make sure everyone is okay while we land, but Lana is taking care of it today. She loves this job, and I don’t think anyone could pull her away from it.

Me? I’m on the fence. Traveling to unfamiliar countries has been amazing, but being gone all the time is wearing me out. It’s a good thing the airline picked up this partnership because that means more at home time for me.

“Thank you for flying with International Airlines today,” the captain’s voice isn’t nearly as smooth as Carter’s but it’s deep and even though the speakers suck, he has a way of putting fliers at ease. “We’ll begin deboarding the plane in a few minutes.”