Page 44 of Big Baller

I barely have my shirt over my head when my phone rings against the metal locker. I know it's not Jolene because she's waiting with Lana and Jordan's wife, but I have no idea who else it could be. Unless Derrick needs another pick me up, of course. I don't bother glancing at the screen when I finally answer, "Hello?" It’s probably him, calling to talk shop about the game that just ended.

"Who is this girl you were with all over TV?" Shit, I completely forgot Mom watches all the games. I didn't think about the cameras or where they would shift their attention when I wasn't doing what I normally do. I probably should have brought up Jolene a long time ago. I wanted to make sure things were going to work out before I brought her into my family.

"Hi, Mom," I try to sound more cheerful than I do, but I'm pretty sure it's not working. "That was my, um, girlfriend."

I hear her gasp on the other end of the phone. Holy shit, I think I just gave my mom a heart attack. "You mean to tell me you have a girlfriend and you haven't told us about her?"

"I never told you about my other girlfriends." I use the term girlfriend loosely. I haven't had one since high school.

"Don't be smart with me," she admonishes. "I know good and well those other girls are not your girlfriend. I'm not stupid. So, who is this new girl?"

I don't like the way she says “new girl”. I know that's my own fault because I go through them so quickly, but it sounds dirty now that I'm in a relationship. "Her name is Jolene. I was going to tell you about her when I came over for dinner, but surprise."

I hear snickers from behind me, and I turn to see who exactly is enjoying the show. Freaking Jordan and Ross. Of course, they are here to witness this. Because that's the luck I have. They will no doubt give me shit about this for weeks to come. Jordan knows just how well my mom is at putting me in my place and wanting to know all the details.

Gabby is in the background, and I know my mom just put it on speakerphone. "So, you finally found someone who will last more than one night?"

"Gabby," Mom chastises, "that wasn't very nice."

"Well, it's not like it's not true."

This, ladies and gentlemen, is why I don't call them all the time. And why I don’t tell them anything that’s going on until I know it’s a sure thing. I love my sister. She has been my rock, but she also knows how to press my buttons. "Actually, for your information. We have been dating for over a month?"

"Woah, look at you go."

Should I tell them now that I am planning to bring her down? Or should I leave it a surprise? Fuck it, I will tell them now. "As soon as her schedule allows, I plan on bringing her to meet you all."

"What is it that she does?" My mom sounds cautious. As if Jolene may be in some wayward business. And she's digging. It's nothing that I didn't expect because she's nosy as hell and tries to be in my business all the time.

"She's a flight attendant. Her schedule doesn't always match up with when I have a game or when I have to travel. But we will figure something out."

My sister snorts, and I don't want to know what she's thinking. Unfortunately for me, she tells me anyway. "Sounds like the perfect woman for you, Bentley. You get to see her when you want and still be able to have all the fun you want on the side. Isn't that what life is all about now that you’ve become a famous basketball player?"

I don't know what crawled up her ass, but this definitely isn’t a conversation to be having in front of our mother. "For your information I haven't seen anyone besides her in a long time. She has her own issues to work through, and I'm not adding to them. If you can't stop being a bitch, then I'm not going to bring her around at all.”

“Aye dios mio,” Mom sighs. “What am I gonna do with the two of you? You are both adults, and it's time to act like it. I can’t believe I still have to break up your fights at this age.”

She's right, and I know that. But Gabby needs to get off my case. It's not like I flaunted my past discretions in front of her. Hell, that was the whole reason I never took them around family. I didn't want to introduce them to somebody that wasn't going to be around long. "I'm sorry, Mom." I rub my hand across my forehand, frustrated with the way this conversation has ended up. Even though I'm not the one who started. "I need to go. We have to be out of the locker room soon."

"Okay. I love you, Mijo. And I can't wait to meet Jolene." I hear the smile in her voice and know that she means it.

"Thanks Ma, I love you, too.” As much as it sucks that me and my sister fight over this one thing, she'll come around. She will love Jolene just as much as I'm beginning to. Now, I just have to bring up to Jolene that she needs to meet my mom soon. That should be loads of fun.



Tonight,has been more fun than I’ve had in a while. Lana and I showed Bentley, Jordan, his wife, and Ross some of our favorite places. From the pizza joint down the street from the stadium to the bar we frequent. It was amazing to show him my city. The place I’ve called home since I left my parents’ house.

Now, though…my feet are killing me. After being on flights all week, and the late night with Bentley last night, I can hear my bed calling me. It’s too bad that’s not the bed I’m going to tonight. Or maybe not?

Bentley reaches for my hand as the elevator doors open. Everyone else has gone to their respective rooms, and Lana headed home after the bar. Which was kind of odd since she’s usually a night owl? I didn’t miss the looks her and Ross were giving each other. There has to be something there. Who knows? I could be reading into something that doesn’t exist. Especially since I’m caught up in my own euphoria with Bentley.

As soon as we’re inside the box and the doors close, he pulls me to me. His arms wrap around my waist. “Are you sure you don’t want to go home tonight?”

“Yeah,” I nod. “It’s late. Besides, you’re here and I’d much rather be with you.” Gah, that sounds so mushy. Like something a teenager would say on a date with her first actual boyfriend. He makes me feel that way, though. Everything around us doesn’t exist. It’s just me and him, and all the fucked up things that screw with our hearts. It’s not impossible to overcome, but we’ve torn down each other's walls. He knows about my shitty family, the horrible idea that was Carter, and that I’m not a flashy girl. And yet…he still hasn’t walked away. He hasn’t given any sign that I’m too much trouble even with me being states away from him. That speaks more to his genuine character than anything I’ve read. Or the cocky, self-assured persona he has on the court. We’re more alike than I think either of us has realized.

“That’s good to know.” He bends down, blocking the already dim lighting in the elevator, and brushes his lips across mine. The kiss isn’t rushed, or hurried. Nothing like the frantic pace we had last night. No, it’s the exact opposite. Soft. Gentle. Promising me he’s all in. That he’s willing to do whatever it takes to make sure things between us work. It’s reassuring, knowing he seems to feel the same way I feel about him.