Page 38 of Big Baller

“Do what?” I’m looking over the menu while we wait on the server.

“Stay gone all the time.” It’s a question I’ve never been asked before. Few people care to know, or they think I’m living the dream. Jet Setting off to various locations and doing what I please. While most of it is true, it’s also tiring. I’ve never mentioned to anyone else that I’ve been wanting to do something else for a while. Something that doesn’t require me to be gone most of the time. It gets old coming home to an empty apartment, or only being home a day or two a week.

“It’s not always easy. Especially with times like now.” I set the menu down and continue, “Dating is the worst part of it unless you’re also dating someone in the same line of work. But it’s not much different for you, is it? You’re away from home a lot when you play out of town.”

“I’m still home a majority of the time. And there’s off season when we rarely travel for the team.” He pauses, as if he doesn’t want to say what he’s going to, but throws it out there, anyway. “Is that why you dated that pilot? Because he was in the same line of work?”

Honestly, I was wondering when this question would come up. He has to be wondering what happened. Especially after that awkward scene the day I met him. “Sort of. I mean, I was attracted to him, along with all the other flight attendants. Being with him for that brief time almost ruined my friendship with Lana. Luckily, she was there for me when it all ended. I thought I would be the one that changed him and made him settle down. Turns out…I wasn’t.” I take a deep breath, knowing what I’m about to admit will be a punch to the gut for him. “It’s why I was so resistant to dating you.”

The waiter chooses that moment to approach our table. “Can I interest you in one of our wines?”

He nods to me, and I look over the list, not really paying attention to the selections. I point to one, and I have no clue what it is, but the description says it’s sweet. The waiter nods and disappears again. For such a fancy restaurant, the service is slow.

“What do I have to do with him?”

“You’re a lot alike. After you approached me for a date, I looked you up. I needed to know what I would be getting myself into.” This may hurt him just as much as the previous statement, but he should know why I had my reservations. “All that came up was pictures of you leaving clubs, and bars, with various women. There was never a repeat. That isn’t something I wanted for myself.”

“What changed your mind?” He leans across the table, trying to get closer despite the flowers taking up space in the middle. He wants in on the secret of why.

“Seeing you with that little girl.” The memory makes me smile. It was probably the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen. This big sports dude admitting his own fears to a child to make her feel better. “And the way you always help people with their luggage after a flight. Someone that selfish wouldn’t go out of their way to help people.” I reach across the table and place my hand on top of his. “That is why I gave you a chance.”

“I can’t promise that I won’t piss you off at times but I’ll do my best.” Bentley turns his hand over and grips mine in his. As much as this conversation wasn’t what I expected, his hands are strong and warm. I expected them to be sweaty after all the questions he had. He’s as cool as a cucumber.

I laugh as the waiter comes back with the wine. “I think you pissed me off more when you were chasing me so hard. I kept waiting for you to back off and determine I wasn’t worth the effort.” Or tired of wanting something that wasn’t attainable. Though, he knocked that out of the water with his dates. I’m happy I gave him a chance.

“I’ve already told you; you are worth so much more than you realize.” Excuse me while I melt into a puddle of goo. He’s told me once before, but I’ve never had anyone try to accommodate my life so well. Not Carter. Hell, not even my parents. He wins on that aspect alone.

“Good, that means Lana won’t have to kick your ass if this all falls apart.” I wink at him before taking a sip of the wine. His eyes lock on my lips touching the glass, and I want to know what’s going through his head. If the heat and intensity of his gaze are any indication, then it’s what else he’d like my lips wrapped around.

I almost spit out my wine the second the thought hits my brain and end up choking. “Ma’am, are you okay?” The waiter bends down until we’re at eye level with each other.

I wipe my hand across my chin and nod my head. “Yeah, it just went down the wrong pipe.”

“We can leave if we need to,” Bentley offers.

“No,” I wave him off. “Let’s order our food. I’m fine, I promise.”

“If you say so.” He turns his attention to the waiter and places his order. I don’t even know what I want but I just say whatever he’s getting. “You’re putting a lot of trust in my food choices.”

“You haven't steered me wrong yet. Besides, this place is a little stuffy for my tastes.”

“Mine, too,” he agrees. “I wanted to do something special for you, though.”

“I appreciate it.” I tap my finger against my chin. I know what I’m going to say, but I don’t know what his response will be. “Do you maybe want to go back to my place after dinner?”

“See,” he grins. “You should have led with that. We wouldn’t be in this overpriced restaurant if you had.”

“And that is why I didn’t.” I hope I’m not making a colossal mistake. I don’t remember the last guy I brought home. Carter never even saw where I lived since most of our hookups happened while we were traveling. This is the next step in seeing where things go with me and Bentley. I also know we’ll end up in my bed. I’ve seen him in practice clothes and casual wear. But the slacks and button-up shirt he’s wearing right now would look so much better on my floor.



The blastof frosty air as we walk out of the restaurant is enough to make me wish I was back in Texas. It gets cold there, but not like this. Tiny white flurries fall from the sky and I can’t deny how beautiful it is. Snow rarely happens in Austin, and when it does everyone loses their minds. Nobody can drive in it and most schools shut down for that reason. Living in this kind of cold is not my idea of a good time.

I wrap my arms around Jolene and pull her closer to me, her back against my chest. It does nothing to warm me up, but hopefully it gives her some warmth. “Do we need to grab a cab or Uber?” The small alcove in front of the door protects us from some of the wind.

“Actually, I drove.” She looks up and hits her forehead on my chin. “I’m parked right around the corner.”