Page 32 of Big Baller

Even though we’ve talked frequently for over a week, this is the first time I’ll see him since we were in Chicago. Nerves eat away at me, and I hope he still wants to see me. Why is dating so hard? Better yet, how are we going to greet each other? A hug and a kiss seem too forward, but I want to feel the press of his lips against mine. I mean, it’s not like we’re total strangers. We’ve eaten dinner together over multiple phone calls. We’ve even cooked together.

The first passenger walks onto the plane and shakes me out of my thoughts. I can worry about that when we get closer to Austin. For now, I have a job to do, even if I’m beginning to wish I had a steadier job just so I could see Bentley in person more often. As crazy as it sounds, I’m growing fond of him.

* * *

The plane touches down and the wait for the passengers to get off is torture. On one hand, I want them to hurry so I can see Bentley. On the other hand...I want them to take forever because I don’t know what to expect. Will he be waiting for me inside the airport, or will I have to find him?

With all the passengers gone, and the cleaning done, it’s time to meet up with Bentley. I grab my suitcase and bag while checking my phone. There aren’t any texts from him, and I’m worried he forgot about me.

Lana throws her arm around me as we make our way through the airport. “Are you ready to see your man?”

“I’m not sure I’d call him my man just yet. We’re still getting to know each other.” There’s a bathroom up ahead and I steer us in that direction to change. “Besides, I haven’t heard from him yet. Who knows if he’s even coming?”

“I’m sure he’ll have something amazing planned for you.”

“Are the two of you orchestrating things behind my back again?” I rush into the stall and start peeling off my clothes. “Now that we’re dating, you don’t have to do that anymore.”

“Nope. I have no clue what he has planned for you.” She reaches her hand over the door for my uniform so I can change into my normal clothes. “I haven’t talked to him since I sent him your schedule. Everything else has been all him.”

“That’s good to know,” I murmur, pulling my shirt over my head. “What am I going to do if he doesn’t show up?”

“You’ll call me, and we’ll go grab lunch somewhere close by.”

I pull up my jeans and slide my feet into the Vans I keep in my carryon. I pull the door open and wave my arms as if I’m on display. “How do I look?”

Lana nods her head and grins. “Amazing. Like the girl next door, but not trying too hard. You just need one more thing.” She reaches above me and pulls the hair tie out of my hair. My hair fails down my back. “There, that’s better. You’re ready to go now.”

We walk out of the bathroom and toward the entrance. A man stands by the front door with a sign that says Jolene. “What are the chances there’s another Jolene coming off a flight right now?”

She shrugs, “I mean there’s a possibility, but I’m going to say it’s slim. We should go see if it’s for you.”

The guy with the sign is looking around the airport. Obviously, whoever hired him didn’t give him a description of the person they are picking up. “I don’t know if I should go up to this guy.” That could be someone else’s ride, and I’d feel terrible if I took it by mistake.

“No worries,” Lana chirps. She rushes to the man in question, barely stopping before barreling him over. “Sir, can I ask who sent you to pick up Jolene?” She points to the sign as if he doesn’t remember.

He takes a step back from her, uncomfortable with how much she’s in his personal space. “Yes, I’m the driver on standby for the Austin Rattlers. Bentley sent me to pick her up.”

Whirling around, Lana throws her hands on her hips and gives me a satisfied smirk. “I told you he wasn’t here for another Jolene.”

I hate admitting she’s right, and I refuse to give her that victory. A pang of sadness hits me in my gut. He couldn’t even come get me himself? He had to send the driver for his team to do it for him. “Okay, so I guess I’m going with this mystery man and hoping he takes me to Bentley.”

Lana puts an arm around my shoulder, almost having to stand on her toes. “Don’t worry. I’m sure there’s an excellent reason for sending a driver. If anything looks sketchy, send me your location on your phone and I’ll come in for the rescue.” Her whisper is just loud enough to be heard by the driver, and he raises an eyebrow.

“I’ll be fine,” I force a smile. “I’ll see you before the next flight out. Meet you at the gate?”

“Yep,” she squeezes me one more time. “Have fun and try not to be too mad at him for not picking you up himself.”

“Are you ready, Ms. Jolene?” He holds his hand out for my suitcase. Wow. He called me “Ms.” I don’t think anyone has ever called me that in my life. It must be a Southern thing, but it makes me feel old.

“Sure,” I pass the rolling suitcase over to him. “Mr.…” I let my voice trail off, waiting for him to supply his name.

“You can call me Sam.” We stroll out of the airport as if we aren’t on any kind of schedule. I only have so many hours before I have to be back at the airport. There isn’t time to dawdle. Not if I want to spend any sort of valuable time with Bentley.

“Where is Bentley?” Maybe Sam can give me a clue.

“I can’t tell you that.”

“Why?” He leads me to a sleek black car and opens the door for me. I lean against the door, waiting for him to answer me.