Page 29 of Big Baller

He cuts me off. “Please, Bentley. We have a game tomorrow and the guys are acting like we’ve already lost. We need your help.”

“I’m not sure what you expect me to do. It’s not like I can come play for y’all.”

“I know that.” He sounds frustrated. I know playing for Hilltown is one of his greatest accomplishments, and he wants the team to get another winning title. “Is there any way you can come talk to the team? Anything for these guys to get their heads out of their asses.”

“You sound desperate,” I hear in the background. It must be his roommate. “Maybe you should lead with a question instead of demanding time from him. He’s busy, too.”

I can’t remember the guy’s name, but I like the way he thinks. The few times I was around him, he seemed to have his head on straight. Even when he got with that party girl. Well, former party girl. She’s mellowed out a lot since they got together. Now if only Derrick would take some of those cues.

“Shut up, Travis. You stick to your books and let us talk ball.” As dedicated as Derrick is to the game, he lets it consume him. If I don’t put an end to this, he’ll keep me on the phone all night.

“Derrick, this really isn’t a good time. I’m late for a date. Text me with the info about your game. If I’m out of practice in time, I’ll swing by the university and talk to the guys.” Hopefully that’s enough to placate him.

“Oh shit, I’m sorry.” He pauses for a second. “I’ll text that to you in just a few. Have fun on your date. I hope she’s hot.” I hear something smack him, and he says, “Ow.”

“That’s not funny, Derrick.” His girlfriend’s voice is really loud, and I know she must be right there. “You better not be thinking about hot girls.”

They will be at this for a while. “Bye, Derrick,” I yell louder than necessary and hang up the phone. Talking to him can be draining at times. He’s almost never alone, and the conversations are always competing.

I look at the time and groan. I’m almost twenty minutes late for my date. I press Jolene’s number and listen to the ring. Please pick up. Pick up. Pick up. Pick up. The phone rings so long, I think it’s going to rollover to voicemail. Luckily, Jolene has mercy on me. “Hello?”

Damn, not good. Her voice is clipped. “Sorry, I’m late. One of my old teammates called and wouldn’t shut up.”

“It’s fine.” Those two words are not in fact fine. I’ve heard my mom and sister mutter them on more than one occasion. They weren’t happy any of those times.

“Really, Jolene.” I hope she can hear the sincerity in my voice. “I’m sorry. Please tell me you at least already ate your food. There’s no use letting it get cold.”

“I’m not a dumbass,” she scoffs. “But yes, I already ate. Do you still want to try this whole date thing?”

“Yeah. Maybe we can talk instead. It’s getting kind of late for a movie.” I wait for a rebuttal, but it doesn’t come. “Unless, you’re ready to go to bed. In that case, you could take me with you.”

“Men,” she grumbles. “I swear that’s all you think about.”

“Not true,” I grin. “I also think about food, working out, basketball…”

“So, it’s in the top five.” She laughs, and I think I’ve gotten her in a better mood. “I thought you were going to FaceTime me?”

I don’t respond. Instead, I press the icon for FaceTime and she switches over to video. Her hair is up in a messy ponytail thing and she looks like she’s ready for bed. “You just couldn’t go without looking at this handsome face, could you?”

She rolls her eyes, but the corner of her mouth quirks up. “Shut up. I’m just making sure we’re sticking to our date agreement. You’re the one who pushed for us to have the date over the phone.”

“That’s because I know it won’t happen otherwise. At least, not until we’re in the same town again.” I lean into the corner of my couch. “And I’m not sure when that will happen. I need to look on my schedule.”

“Why would you have to look at your schedule?”

Shit, Lana never told her she gave me her schedule. Do I tell her and risk pissing her off, or do I act like its pure coincidence? “Um, because that has my out-of-town dates on it?”

“You framed that as a question.” She stands up and I see the kitchen cabinets behind her. They are an off-white color and look old. Does she live in an older unit? Maybe it’s one of those that has the country feel to it like a lot of the houses here in Texas. I swear after that couple down in Waco got that decorating show, people have been redecorating their homes to match their style.

Jolene raises an eyebrow and I know she’s still waiting on a response. Damn it, I’m going to have to tell her. “So, you know how you refused to go out on a date with me after that first flight?”

“Yes, but I don’t see what that has to do with anything.”

Please don’t be pissed, is all I chant to myself before I tell her the next part. “Well, I ran into Lana at the hotel, and she kinda, sorta gave me your flight schedule so I could book my flights to correspond with yours.”

“She did WHAT?” Her voice is definitely on the screeching side, and I think I may have just fucked up. “I can’t believe the nerve of her. No wonder she’s been pushing so hard for us to date. And you,” she looks me square in the eyes through the screen. “You went along with it? You didn’t think it was overstepping any boundaries?”

“I wanted to go on a date with you,” I shrug my shoulders, indifferent. “And she was willing to make that happen. The more chances you had to be around me, the more chances I had of you saying yes.”