Page 25 of Big Baller

Jolene: I’m there a hell of a lot earlier than you are.

Bentley: That sounds like you’re neglecting our second date.

Jolene: Calm down. I’m still going on that date with you, just not in the morning.

Bentley: K. Good night. Dream about me. ;)

Jolene: Goodnight dork.

Tossing my phone on the bed, I rummage through my suitcase for my joggers. Even though tonight had a great ending, I’m feeling buzzed from my confrontation with that jerk and need to take a shower to calm myself down. It’s almost the same adrenaline that gets me going while I’m on the court, but not quite.

The tile on the bathroom floor is cold against my feet, and I wish places had heated floors. This Texas guy isn’t used to everything being so chilly. I turn the handle on the shower until the water warms and steam fills up the bathroom. The only way this shower would feel better is if Jolene had stayed the night with me. I knew she wouldn’t agree to that, it’s just not in her wiring. Asking her after what happened tonight would definitely lose me points. But a guy can dream.

I step under the hot water and close the shower door behind me. Rather than picturing Jolene’s distress tonight, I focus on how she looked this afternoon. How carefree she seemed to be at the Italian restaurant. How her hand felt in mine. And how I wish I could feel it against my skin right now. Soft and hesitant as it slides down my chest before grabbing hold of my cock. Her fingers rubbing small circles over the tip and sliding down until I’m hard as a rock. Fuck, I can’t get this girl out of my head. My hand pumps faster and faster. A groan escapes my lips as I come, and I lean forward, resting against the side of the wall.

That shouldn’t have happened so fast. I’m already sprung after one date with this woman, and there’s no telling what will happen during our next date. All I know is it’s been way too long since I’ve gotten laid, and by the time she lets me inside her, I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to last.

* * *

Even though Jolene said she didn’t want to do breakfast, I still get to the airport earlier than necessary. Ross groaned into the phone this morning when I called asking if he wanted to ride together. I believe his exact words were “get bent.” So, I’m on my own. Thank God, Jordan showed me what needed to be done on the last two flights, otherwise I’d be screwed.

Getting through security was a breeze. And now I’m sitting outside of my gate, wondering if I’ll see the woman who has captured my attention. Do flight attendants even use the same methods we do to get into the airport? Or do they have a super secret entrance only they are allowed to enter? Either way, my eyes are peeled.

Considering the early hour, there are quite a few people boarding planes and getting off them. Families are rushing to make their flights, making sure everyone is accounted for. Men in suits flying back in for their jobs. At least, that’s what I’m assuming. We never went anywhere if we couldn’t drive. Mom isn’t a huge fan of planes and we never really had the money for extravagant trips. I think I’ll take her and my sister on a nice vacation after the season is over. Who knows? Maybe Jolene will still be around.

Woah there, buddy. You’ve gone on one date with this chick. It’s too early to be planning for the future. That’s making some huge assumptions that I’m not even ready to face. Remember, you don’t do relationships, Bentley. She’ll end up leaving just like Dad.

“Yo, man. Have you been sitting here the whole time?” Ross’s voice scares the hell out of me.

“What time is it?”

“Our flight should start boarding soon. You good?”

Holy shit, I didn’t realize I was in my head for so long. I guess I’m getting better at tuning out the noise in this place. Or, maybe you’re too busy planning a future you have no business planning. A small part of my subconscious whispers. I’m not, though. This is just for fun. Jolene said she didn’t have time for relationships so we’ll just hang out when we can, and that will be it.

“Yeah, I’m good. Just hoping to see Jolene before we board.”

“You got it bad for this broad.” He sees my glare and laughs. “It’s all good, though. You do what you gotta do. I’ll try not to tease you for it…much.”

“Asshole,” I mutter.

“What’s the word on her friend? After hanging out with her at the bar last night, she seems like a pretty cool chick.”

“Oh, I see how it is. You mock me then ask me about her friend.” I gaze around the gate, hoping to catch sight of the women in question. “I have no idea. She helped me cross paths with Jolene. Even gave me her flight schedule so I could book flights when she’s working. She seems pretty gung-ho on her friend finding someone to spend time with.”

“That’s all good for you,” he leans back into the seat, crossing his ankle over his leg. “But what about her? I’d be lying if I said she didn’t catch my attention on previous flights. But I think she’s a natural flirt, and shouldn’t take trying to hook up with her seriously.”

“I don’t know. You’ll have to ask her yourself.”

A voice comes over the intercom, “Now seating first class.”

“Looks like I’m heading in. Want me to send a message if I see your girl?”

“She isn’t really my girl,” I fire back. What the hell has gotten into me? “Sorry, I’m good. I’ll see her when I board.”

Since coach boards last, I wait until almost nobody else is in line. I don’t want to be rushed when I see her. Finally, the people in front of me move forward and my palms are clammy. Before I get too close to the door, I whip my backpack around and pull out a small trinket.

The passengers in front of me are slowly making their way onto the plane, and I feel like a moron with a junior high crush holding this thing in my hands. I’m hoping she thinks it’s adorable instead of completely insane.