Page 19 of Big Baller

Sidestepping around her, I flop on my bed. “There isn’t one.”

“Oh no,” she gasps. “What happened?”

I shrug and my dress rides up. Is it too early to change into yoga pants, climb into bed, and watch Netflix? “Nothing. The date was actually pretty good. There were a few moments when he was an ass, but overall…it was good.”

She arches an eyebrow and squints one eye, studying me. “Then why isn’t there going to be another date?” She’s more invested in this than I am, and I need to find her angle. She’s never badgered me about dating as much as she has these past two weeks.

The television is on, and some guy behind a tall desk is droning on about the game last night. An image of Bentley flashes across the screen. Seriously, this has to come on right now? I turn my attention to the ceiling. My focus is safer there. “Because it’s not feasible. We don’t live in the same place, and we’re both constantly traveling. How in the hell would that even work?” I sigh, “there isn’t time to date with those schedules. Besides, I’m not ready to date.”

“With an attitude like that, you’ll never be ready,” she snaps. The bed dips beside me, and I know I’m about to get my ass handed to me by my best friend. “Look, you’ve moped over Carter long enough. It’s time to move on.” I open my mouth, but she covers it with her hand. “No, you don’t get to talk yet.” I lick her hand and she snatches it back, wiping it on the bed. “Anyway, you are way too young to turn into a spinster. Go out and live a little. Why do I have to keep having this conversation with you?”

She has a point. Lots of them, actually. But I’m not telling her that. “Because I’m hard headed and don’t listen.” It doesn’t lighten the mood like I hoped it would. “I have trust issues, okay. He’s a celebrity figure. If you don’t believe me, look all over the internet. Women throw themselves at him constantly. Hell, two women did it today when we were at the pizzeria the second I left the table.” I take a deep breath before continuing. “I haven’t exactly had the best of luck with people sticking by me. My parents got pissed when I chose this career and I can’t remember that last time I’ve talked to them. Then Carter ended up being a dud. Why should I open myself up to that kind of hurt again?”

Lana grabs my arm and pulls me up until I’m sitting. “First off, your parents suck. You followed your dreams instead of settling on something that wouldn’t make you happy. Second, you knew what you were getting into with Carter. That almost ruined our friendship, and as shitty as it is to say, I’m glad it ended. It wouldn’t have lasted, and I don’t know that our friendship would have survived if you kept it up with him.”

“You’re right. That’s a shitty thing to say. But I knew deep down it was a short-term thing. I was mostly pissed that he found his happily ever after not long after we were over.”

“At least you recognize that now.” She looks past me to the television and grabs my chin until I’m facing it. “On the other hand, that man wants to date you, no matter how many times you’ve turned him down.”

The picture on the screen is one of him dunking on the home team. It’s no wonder he’s gaining popularity as a rookie. From the few things I’ve seen, he’s really good. “I don’t know if I can handle dating someone that will likely become high profile. Besides, how long would he actually date me until someone younger and prettier comes along?”

“When those women threw themselves at him during lunch today, did he engage?”

“No,” I pout. He acted like a gentleman, much to my surprise. “But I still don’t know.” I take my eyes off the screen and turn toward her, “Can we talk about something else? I don’t really want to get lost in my feelings. Besides, you’re the one who told me to keep it casual with him, and now you’re pushing me on him like he’s the answer to all my problems.”

She shrugs her shoulders and laughs. “What can I say? I like his energy. If there’s anyone not scared to argue their point against you, it’s him.” She looks around the room before focusing on me again. “Since you aren’t seeing him and don’t want to get all up in your feelings…come drink with me tonight.”

“Lana,” I protest.

“Hear me out. It’ll be a girl’s night. It’s been forever since we’ve hung out and drank together.”

“We literally did that a few days ago.” It was probably the most relaxing time I’ve had in a while. We had wine, did facemasks…the whole shebang.

“I mean one where we leave the hotel.” She stands up and heads to her suitcase. “I won’t even try to dress you. For all I care, you can wear yoga pants and a sweatshirt. I just know I need out of this hotel room. I’m not meant to be cooped up.”

“You’ve had all day to leave. Why didn’t you go anywhere?”

“I wanted to be here in case you needed me. What kind of friend would I be if I bailed on you to go on a shopping trip?”

“I honestly don’t know how you fit all your shopping spree items into your suitcase. I’m beginning to think it’s magical.” She really is an amazing friend. Hell, my parents pretty much cut me off when I told them I wanted to travel the world. But this woman, who isn’t even my blood, stayed here just in case the date was a disaster. “And I’ll go out with you tonight. Don’t expect me to go all crazy, though. Our flight still leaves at a decent time.”

“Yay,” she squeals. “I’ll go get ready. We can grab dinner then head to a bar.”

“Sounds good. I’m going to go change into something more comfortable.” I point to the dress in question. “It won’t take me long.”

“We’re going to have so much fun.” She rushes to the bathroom to begin her “going out” ritual. She’s the only one that can drag me out, even if I don’t feel like it. I’m just happy I’ll always have her in my corner. My life would be boring without her crazy antics. As for my dating life…that can wait for another day. Tonight, is all about me and my bestie.



“What doyou mean she declined a second date?” Jordan asks over the phone. He and his wife left for the airport about an hour ago. Announcements can be heard in the background, and it only reminds me of Jolene.

“Exactly what I said.” I run my fingers through my hair and sigh. “I thought everything was going great. I asked for a second date, and she threw out every excuse in the world to turn it down.”

“I know you don’t want to hear this, but she might be a lost cause.” He mumbles something, I’m assuming to his wife, before he speaks again. “As much as I hate saying this, you’re probably better off dating girls the way you have been. Even if it’s something I don’t agree with.”

“But I can’t get her out of my head.” Frustration doesn’t even begin to cover what I’m feeling, and you can see the path I’ve paced in the hotel's carpet. “I don’t even know why. It’s not like I even know her. She caught my attention on the flight and has stayed in my thoughts since then. What is wrong with me? This isn’t normal.”