Page 18 of Big Baller

“A car should be here to pick us up in just a few,” he says as we walk toward the door. Then he turns his head toward the stand again. “Marie, I’ll be back next time I’m in town. The food was delicious.”

“You’re welcome back anytime,” she calls out. “Good luck on the rest of your season.”

“Thank you.” He pushes the door open, and a gust of wind hits us. The temperature has dropped since we went inside, and I wrap my free arm around myself to block some of the wind. I’m used to colder temps, but not such a dramatic drop. Hopefully, this doesn’t mean there will be wintry weather and we’ll be stuck here for longer. I’m ready to sleep in my own bed. “I wish I had a jacket to offer you.”

His voice shakes me from thoughts. “I didn’t expect it to get so cold.”

He pulls out his phone and checks an app. “The driver should pull around soon.”

No sooner than the words leave his mouth, a car pulls up to the curb. “Wow. That was fast. How long ago did you set it up?”

“When I went to talk to Marie and pay the bill.” He shakes his head, astonished. “I wish the service was this fast back in Austin. Sometimes you have to wait almost an hour depending on the time of day…and if there is a game happening.”

“It’s not common here, either. You must be lucky.”

He takes his hand out of mine and opens the back door of the car. “After you, Mademoiselle.”

I roll my eyes and get in, sliding across the seat until I’m almost touching the other door. “I bet you’ve been waiting your whole life to use that.”

He shrugs, “Not really. It just sounded good.” He mutters something else under his breath, but I didn’t catch it. Louder he adds, “We can head back to the hotel I’m staying in.”

The offer is tempting, but no. I can’t do this past today. No more dates, and hopefully he doesn’t bug me about it on any more flights we might be on together. “Sorry, I can’t.” He starts to say something, but I cut him off. “I have plans with Lana.” I don’t, not really. But I figure it’s the easiest way to let him down.

“Okay, I understand that.” He looks at the driver. “Can you drop her off at the hotel by the airport then take me to Knight Hotel?”

The driver turns around to face us, “It’ll be easier if I drop you off first since your hotel is a lot closer.”

“Are you okay with that?” Bentley asks.

Honestly, that works out better. Then there won’t be any chance he’ll talk his way to my hotel room. I have no doubt that he’ll try. “Yeah, that’s fine with me.”

His face falls, and I can tell I hurt his feelings. “Okay, we’ll do that.” The car moves forward until we come out of the side street onto one of the main roads. “Maybe we can grab breakfast in the morning.”

Damn. Looks like I won’t be avoiding this conversation after all. Let’s see, how can I do this gently? “I had a great time today, but I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to go on another date.”

“Why not?”

“Because our schedules are insane, and we’d never see each other. Besides, I still don’t really know you.”

“Isn’t dating how you get to know someone?”

He has a point. “I’m just not ready to seriously date someone.”

We pull up to his hotel, and I can see the argument bubbling up inside him. “You say that now, but I’m betting you’ll go on another date with me. You’ll realize you miss my company and want something more than just your bed.”

Those words are a shot straight to my heart. He doesn’t have to call out my insecurities like that, but I won’t back down. “I’m sorry. I just can’t.”

“Okay,” he says as he opens the car door. “I’ll see you on the flight in the morning.”

“Bye, Bentley.” He shuts the car door and I watch him enter the hotel as the car drives away. He was right. One day I will want more. Today is not that day, though. At least, I don’t think it is.

* * *

Lana is sitting on the bed, her eyes on the door, and a big goofy grin on her face. “I didn’t get a save me text, or call. I assume the date went well?”

I groan and toss my bag on the dresser by the door. “Define well.”

She jumps up and comes toward me until she’s right in front of my face. “I mean, since I didn’t get a call, that means you had an excellent time. When’s your next date?” It’s a wonder she didn’t start poking me to get her point across.