Page 11 of Big Baller

“Why?” Apparently, my best friend hasn’t gotten the no dating memo either. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be hounding me so hard about this.

“Because you need to date. You need to get over being cast aside. Do it on your terms.” She stares me down, waiting for an argument, but I will let her say her piece. “You hold all the cards and can take a date with him as far as you want. Something out of the ordinary will be good for you, even if you can’t see that now.”

“When did you turn into such a wise woman about relationships?”

She laughs as she picks up trash from the seats. “Nobody said anything about a relationship. I’m the queen of casual dating. You just have to figure out what exactly you’re looking for?”

That’s the problem. I have no idea what I want out of life. I only know that constantly being on the move is no longer it.



Another winfor the Austin Rattlers name. I actually had a decent amount of playing time during the game. Much better than the last out-of-town game where I was in a whole two minutes before Coach had pulled me. The only thing that could brighten my day is a text from Jolene. Not that I would know it was her since she didn’t offer her number.

Jordan walks out of the stadium with me. We go through the back entrance to keep away from cameras. Even though we won, he’s not a big fan of the spotlight and will always find ways to dip out of interviews if he can help it. “When are you and the Mrs. heading back home?”

“Tomorrow night. She wants to do some sightseeing before we leave.” He shakes his head and smiles. “I don’t know what’s left for her to see. This isn’t the first time she’s been here.” He looks over his shoulder at me, “What time are you leaving?”

“Not until Sunday afternoon.”

“You’re not still chasing that girl, are you?” The car he ordered for us is sitting at the curb, and we climb in. “How many times does she have to tell you she’s not interested?”

“Until I actually believe it.” I pull my phone out of my pocket, hoping to see a message from her. “You should have seen the way she kept watching me on the flight today. Tell me that doesn’t mean something.”

“She could be freaked out. Did you tell her how you got her flight schedule?”

“Of course not. I’m not an idiot.” Seriously, this isn’t my first time trying to get a girl’s attention. Well, not since college, but that was doomed before it even started. “If Lana wants to tell her, she will.”

“Well, if you don’t hear from your flight attendant, you’re free to join me and Vanessa tomorrow.”

“I don’t want to be the third wheel.” These two are so in love it’s sickening. I’ve never felt that way about anyone. The only people who hold my heart are my mom and sister, and I intend to keep it that way.

“You won’t be. If anything, you’ll be someone I can talk to while she goes into the fifteen million small shops that catch her eye.” He grins at me, “Then you can also help me carry her crap everywhere.”

“So, what you’re saying is, you need me to be a pack mule.”

“You won’t be the only one. She’ll have my arms full, too.”

We arrive at the hotel and step out of the car. Even if I’m carrying his wife’s stuff, it’ll be better than sitting at the hotel waiting for a phone call, or text, that’s probably never going to come. “Sure, I’ll join you.”

“Thank God,” Jordan sighs in relief. “You have no idea how much I was dreading going by myself.”

“Are you sure Vanessa won’t get mad I’m tagging along?”

“I’m sure. For some reason she actually likes you,” He gives me a once over, “I can’t see why. You’re arrogant as hell.”

“When you’re good, you’re good. Can’t fight nature.”

“And that will be your downfall. The wrong girl will come sniffing around, and you’ll chase that whim until you’re screwed.”

He doesn’t seem to think highly of me sometimes, and the criticism stings. He’s the only one on the team that’s accepted me and knowing that he thinks so little of me, makes me wonder if he does truly like for me to be around. “That’s why I don’t jump into serious relationships.”

“And what is this flight attendant? I’ve seen women throw themselves at you for the past week, and you haven’t batted an eye at them.” He opens the door to the hotel and walks toward the elevator. It’s late and there aren’t many people in the lobby. “That’s not like you. The Bentley I know is very much action first and asks questions later. Do you think holding out on who you are will make her want to be with you? She clearly already has an opinion of you, and nothing you do is going to change that.”

“I’m not trying to jump into anything serious with her. She’s an objective. Never in my life has anyone ever turned me down, especially now that I’m semi-famous.”

“That, my friend, is dangerous territory.”